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MyGPS - A Simple GPS GPRMC Parser Library for Arduino

Parsing GPS GPRMC sentence from a GPS serial data, written in C.


  • Download as .zip
  • Open Arduino IDE.
  • From Sketch, Include Library --> Add .ZIP Library...
  • Choose the downloaded .zip. (when downloaded, more likely be named
  • Restart the Arduino IDE


// include this library
#include <MyGPS.h>          
//include software serial for creating the second serial line
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> 

// Arduino PIN 8 <-- serial data from GPS
// Arduino PIN 9 --> serial data to GPS (not required)
SoftwareSerial gps = SoftwareSerial(8, 9);

// somewhere in your code...
// creating GPS struct variable
GPSresults GPS;
// perform gps GPRMC parsing and save the results into GPS
GPS = gps_parse(gps);


After installation, open your Arduino IDE. From File, click Examples --> MyGPS --> GPS_gprmc_parser

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <MyGPS.h>

SoftwareSerial gps = SoftwareSerial(8, 9);

void setup()
  Serial.println(" ");
  Serial.print("Sketch:   ");   Serial.println(__FILE__);
  Serial.print("Uploaded: ");   Serial.println(__DATE__);
  Serial.println(" ");
  Serial.println("GPS Struct Test - Started ! \n");


void loop()
  char buff[250];
  GPSresults GPS = gps_parse(gps);

    sprintf(buff, "\n%s", GPS.gps_rmc);
    sprintf(buff, "%s \n GPS Time (HHMMSS): %s", buff, GPS.gps_time);
    sprintf(buff, "%s \n GPS Valid: %c", buff, GPS.gps_valid);
    sprintf(buff, "%s \n GPS Latitude: %s", buff, GPS.gps_lat);
    sprintf(buff, "%s \n GPS N/S: %c", buff, GPS.gps_ns);
    sprintf(buff, "%s \n GPS Longitude: %s", buff, GPS.gps_lon);
    sprintf(buff, "%s \n GPS E/W: %c", buff, GPS.gps_ew);
    sprintf(buff, "%s \n GPS Speed (knots): %s", buff, GPS.gps_spd);
    sprintf(buff, "%s \n GPS Course (degree): %s", buff, GPS.gps_cse);
    sprintf(buff, "%s \n GPS Date (DDMMYY): %s \n", buff, GPS.gps_date);

On the Serial Monitor, you can examine the parsing results.


  • Optimize the code (there is a lot of room for improvements!!)
  • Adding capabitilies for parsing other sentences
  • ...


  1. Fork it
  2. Create new branch (git checkout -b myfeature)
  3. Do some editing / create new feature
  4. Commit your works (git commit -m "Adding some feature blah blah blah..")
  5. Push to the branch (git push -u origin myfeature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request