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haplokuon edited this page May 6, 2023 · 1 revision

DimensionStyle Class

netDxf 3.0.0 Library

Represents a dimension style.


Namespace: netDxf.Tables
Assembly: netDxf (in netDxf.dll) Version: 3.0.0


public class DimensionStyle : TableObject


Public Class DimensionStyle
	Inherits TableObject


public ref class DimensionStyle : public TableObject


type DimensionStyle = 
        inherit TableObject
Inheritance Object → DxfObjectTableObject → DimensionStyle


DimensionStyle Initializes a new instance of the DimensionStyle class.


AlternateUnits Gets or sets the alternate units format for dimensions.
AngularPrecision Gets or sets the number of precision places displayed in angular dimensions. (DIMADEC)
ArrowSize Controls the size of dimension line and leader line arrowheads. Also controls the size of hook lines. (DIMASZ)
CenterMarkSize Controls the drawing of circle or arc center marks and centerlines. (DIMCEN)
CodeName Gets the DXF object name.
(Inherited from DxfObject)
DecimalSeparator Gets or sets a single-character decimal separator to use when creating dimensions whose unit format is decimal. (DIMDSEP)
Default Gets the default dimension style.
DimAngularUnits Gets or sets the units format for angular dimensions. (DIMAUNIT)
DimArrow1 Gets or sets the arrowhead block for the first end of the dimension line. (DIMBLK1)
DimArrow2 Gets or sets the arrowhead block for the second end of the dimension line. (DIMBLK2)
DimBaselineSpacing Gets or sets the spacing of the dimension lines in baseline dimensions. (DIMDLI)
DimLengthUnits Gets or sets the units for all dimension types except angular. (DIMLUNIT)
DimLine1Off Suppresses display of the first dimension line. (DIMSD1)
DimLine2Off Suppresses display of the second dimension line. (DIMSD2)
DimLineColor Gets or set the color assigned to dimension lines, arrowheads, and dimension leader lines. (DIMCLRD)
DimLineExtend Gets or sets the distance the dimension line extends beyond the extension line when oblique, architectural tick, integral, or no marks are drawn for arrowheads. (DIMDLE)
DimLineLinetype Gets or sets the line type of the dimension line. (DIMLTYPE)
DimLineLineweight Gets or sets the line weight to dimension lines. (DIMLWD)
DimPrefix Gets or sets the text prefix for the dimension. (DIMPOST)
DimRoundoff Gets or sets the value to round all dimensioning distances. (DIMRND)
DimScaleLinear Gets or sets a scale factor for linear dimension measurements. (DIMLFAC)
DimScaleOverall Get or set the overall scale factor applied to dimensioning variables that specify sizes, distances, or offsets. (DIMSCALE)
DimSuffix Gets or sets the text suffix for the dimension. (DIMPOST)
ExtLine1Linetype Gets or sets the line type of the first extension line. (DIMLTEX1)
ExtLine1Off Suppresses display of the first extension line. (DIMSE1)
ExtLine2Linetype Gets or sets the line type of the second extension line. (DIMLTEX2)
ExtLine2Off Suppresses display of the second extension line. (DIMSE2)
ExtLineColor Gets or sets the color assigned to extension lines, center marks, and centerlines. (DIMCLRE)
ExtLineExtend Gets or sets how far to extend the extension line beyond the dimension line. (DIMEXE)
ExtLineFixed Enables fixed length extension lines. (DIMFXLON)
ExtLineFixedLength Gets or sets the total length of the extension lines starting from the dimension line toward the dimension origin. (DIMFXL)
ExtLineLineweight Gets or sets line weight of extension lines. (DIMLWE)
ExtLineOffset Gets or sets how far extension lines are offset from origin points. (DIMEXO)
FitDimLineForce Gets or sets the drawing of a dimension line between the extension lines even when the text is placed outside the extension lines. (DIMTOFL)
FitDimLineInside Gets or sets the drawing of the dimension line and arrowheads even if not enough space is available inside the extension lines. (DIMSOXD)
FitOptions Gets or sets the placement of text and arrowheads based on the space available between the extension lines. (DIMATFIT)
FitTextInside Gets or sets the drawing of text between the extension lines. (DIMTIX)
FitTextMove Gets or sets the position of the text when it's moved either manually or automatically. (DIMTMOVE)
FractionType Gets or sets the fraction format when DIMLUNIT is set to Architectural or Fractional. (DIMFRAC)
Handle Gets the handle assigned to the DXF object.
(Inherited from DxfObject)
Iso25 Gets the ISO-25 dimension style as defined in AutoCad.
IsReserved Gets if the table object is reserved and cannot be deleted.
(Inherited from TableObject)
LeaderArrow Gets or sets the arrowhead block for leaders. (DIMLDRBLK)
LengthPrecision Gets or sets the number of decimal places displayed for the primary units of a dimension. (DIMDEC)
Name Gets the name of the table object.
(Inherited from TableObject)
Owner Gets the owner of the actual dimension style.
SuppressAngularLeadingZeros Suppresses leading zeros in angular decimal dimensions. (DIMZIN)
SuppressAngularTrailingZeros Suppresses trailing zeros in angular decimal dimensions. (DIMZIN)
SuppressLinearLeadingZeros Suppresses leading zeros in linear decimal dimensions; for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000. (DIMZIN)
SuppressLinearTrailingZeros Suppresses trailing zeros in linear decimal dimensions. (DIMZIN)
SuppressZeroFeet Suppresses zero feet in architectural dimensions. (DIMZIN)
SuppressZeroInches Suppresses zero inches in architectural dimensions. (DIMZIN)
TextColor Gets or set the color of dimension text. (DIMCLRT)
TextDirection Gets or sets the direction of the dimension text. (DIMTXTDIRECTION)
TextFillColor Gets or set the background color of dimension text. Set to null to specify no color. (DIMTFILLCLR)
TextFractionHeightScale Gets or sets the scale of fractions relative to dimension text height. (DIMTFAC)
TextHeight Gets or sets the height of dimension text, unless the current text style has a fixed height. (DIMTXT)
TextHorizontalPlacement Gets or sets the horizontal positioning of dimension text. (DIMJUST)
TextInsideAlign Gets or sets if the dimension text is placed horizontally when inside extension lines. (DIMTIH)
TextOffset Gets or sets the distance around the dimension text when the dimension line breaks to accommodate dimension text. (DIMGAP)
TextOutsideAlign Gets or sets if the dimension text is placed horizontally when outside extension lines. (DIMTOH)
TextStyle Gets or sets the text style of the dimension. (DIMTXTSTY)
TextVerticalPlacement Gets or sets the vertical position of text in relation to the dimension line. (DIMTAD)
Tolerances Gets or sets the tolerances format for dimensions.
XData Gets the entity extended data.
(Inherited from DxfObject)


Clone() Creates a new DimensionStyle that is a copy of the current instance.
(Overrides TableObject.Clone())
Clone(String) Creates a new DimensionStyle that is a copy of the current instance.
(Overrides TableObject.Clone(String))
CompareTo(Object) Compares the current TableObject with another TableObject of the same type.
(Inherited from TableObject)
CompareTo(TableObject) Compares the current TableObject with another TableObject of the same type.
(Inherited from TableObject)
Equals(Object) Check if two TableObject are equal.
(Inherited from TableObject)
Equals(TableObject) Check if two TableObject are equal.
(Inherited from TableObject)
GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from TableObject)
GetReferences Gets the list of DxfObjects referenced by this instance.
(Overrides TableObject.GetReferences())
GetType Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
HasReferences Checks if this instance has been referenced by other DxfObjects.
(Overrides TableObject.HasReferences())
ToString Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.
(Inherited from TableObject)


(Inherited from TableObject)
(Inherited from DxfObject)
(Inherited from DxfObject)


DefaultName Default dimension style name.

See Also


netDxf.Tables Namespace

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