Here you can register and create some desired company information so anyone can look at it easily. You can find a company without any registration and see contact info, but you can't edit, delete or create a company. You can edit and delete a company only if you're the author of that company. If you are authorized, you can create companies.
This is a Backend repository for the Infos project, using Node.js version 18.x and pnpm as a package manager.
Clone the repository: git clone Navigate to the project directory: cd infos-be Install dependencies: pnpm install
Set environment variables by creating a .env file and filling in the necessary values. You can use .env.example as a template. Start the server: pnpm start
pnpm start: Starts the server using nodemon and the configuration in nodemon.json. pnpm format: Formats the code in the src directory using prettier. pnpm lint: Lints the code in the src directory using eslint with the --fix and --cache options.
This project is licensed under the ISC License.