My Neovim config now uses Astronvim. In addition to it, I'm using:
- Tmux
- Neovim
- Lazygit
- Zsh
Install programs with:
ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass dotfiles.yml
These dotfiles are now set up to be used with Stow. After installing the necessary programs, symlink the configs to the proper locations with:
stow configs
I recently started learning to use Neovim and gradually crafting my configuration, so I'm saving/publishing my settings here as I go. My settings are largely based on the setup of Takuya Matsuyama (devaslife on YouTube), who has inspired me to go down this wonderful rabbit hole.
This is very much a work in progress and I really don't know what I'm doing, so beware of copying my configuration! Better yet, take a look at Takuya's.
Just some things, mostly for myself, to remember:
- Directory structure info:
:h 'runtimepath'
I had to do some things differently upon moving to NixOS. After trying a few
different ways of handling the NixOS/Neovim relationship, I landed on continuing
to configure Neovim the normal Lua way, via symlink by stow
, and just moving
whatever needs to move to Nix. As far as I can tell, the main conflict
with Nix is in Mason's handling of LSPs and none-ls tools. So now, instead of handling LSPs
with Mason, they're installed in Nix, and configured in AstroNvim.
How to install a new LSP:
- Add the LSP's corresponding package to home.nix
- Add the LSP to
in astrolsp.lua
How to install a new none-ls
- Add the tool's corresponding package to home.nix
- Add the tool to
in none-ls.lua