In this repository you can find an implementation of a reflexive parser generator and pattern matcher based on a recent publication*. However there are some differences between the publicatons and my implementation to match inside the HARP Project. For more details you can read the Documentation that you can find in the documentation folder.
This implementation was created as my BSc thesis. The main goal of my thesis was the implementation of a reflexive parser generator for syntactic pattern matching. This includes the implementation of a GLR parser, a basic Lexical parser and for demonstaration purposes a UI.
*JasonLecerf, JohnBrant, ThierryGoubier, StéphaneDucasse. AReflexiveand AutomatedApproach toSyntacticPatternMatchinginCodeTransformations. ICSME2018-34thIEEEInternationalConference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Sep 2018, Madrid, Spain. ICSME 2018 - 34th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution. <10.1109/ICSME.2018.00052>.