Monitoring Traffic signal monitoring using Apache Flink.
This is a Apache flink implementation of ideas laid downhere ( This application will process real time IoT data sent by connected vehicles and use that data to monitor the traffic on different routes.
###Pre-Requiste 1.Install Apache flink (
2.Install Kafka and run a 2/3 broker for fault tolerance.(
3.Creata a kfka topic using below command.
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 --topic iot-data-event-flink
1.IoTDataProducer : This is a kafka producer which will publish mock IOT traffic monitoring signal into kafka topic.
2.IotTrafficMonitoringApp : Driver program which will execute call IoTDataProcessor.proces()
3.IoTDataProcessor: Function that createsa kafka consumer source and prepares Stream for processing. Also has window based stream processing and Stateful stream counting.
flink run --jarfile <path_to_jar>/iot-traffic-monitor-flink-0.1.jar