Collects memory, swap, and disk space utilization on an Amazon EC2 instance and sends this data as custom metrics to Amazon CloudWatch.
--mem-util Reports memory utilization in percentages.
--mem-used Reports memory used in megabytes.
--mem-avail Reports available memory in megabytes.
--swap-util Reports swap utilization in percentages.
--swap-used Reports allocated swap space in megabytes.
--disk-path=PATH Selects the disk by the path on which to report.
--disk-space-util Reports disk space utilization in percentages.
--disk-space-used Reports allocated disk space in gigabytes.
--disk-space-avail Reports available disk space in gigabytes.
--apache-worker Reports Apache Worker Prosess counts.
--nginx-worker Reports nginx Worker Prosess counts.
--unicorn-worker Reports Unicorn Worker Prosess counts.
--mysqld-prosess Reports MySQL Daemon Prosess counts.
--aggregated[=only] Adds aggregated metrics for instance type, AMI id, and overall.
--auto-scaling[=only] Adds aggregated metrics for Auto Scaling group.
If =only is specified, reports only aggregated metrics.
--mem-used-incl-cache-buff Count memory that is cached and in buffers as used.
--memory-units=UNITS Specifies units for memory metrics.
--disk-space-units=UNITS Specifies units for disk space metrics.
Supported UNITS are bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes.
--aws-credential-file=PATH Specifies the location of the file with AWS credentials.
--aws-access-key-id=VALUE Specifies the AWS access key ID to use to identify the caller.
--aws-secret-key=VALUE Specifies the AWS secret key to use to sign the request.
--aws-iam-role=VALUE Specifies the IAM role name to provide AWS credentials.
--from-cron Specifies that this script is running from cron.
--verify Checks configuration and prepares a remote call.
--verbose Displays details of what the script is doing.
--version Displays the version number.
--help Displays detailed usage information.
To perform a simple test run without posting data to Amazon CloudWatch
./ --mem-util --verify --verbose
To set a five-minute cron schedule to report memory and disk space utilization to CloudWatch
*/5 * * * * ~/aws-scripts-mon/ --mem-util --disk-space-util --disk-path=/ --from-cron
For more information on how to use this utility, see Amazon CloudWatch Developer Guide at