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bahetianjali edited this page Apr 19, 2022 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the referralboard wiki!

This Project is undertaken with intention to help job seekers to get referrals for desired jobs. It provides users with an online platform to interact with other users to get and provide referrals .


  • Go
  • React (Typescript)
  • Postgres 14.1 (optional support for sqlite added).
  • Cypress for integration tests.

Problem Statement

As we struggle to find internships, full-time employment or new opportunities at top tech companies, this website will help individual connect with other individuals for getting and/or giving referrals. The website will let user register and request referrals from professionals working in target companies, similarly, you as a professional can refer others who wish to work at your place.


  • Referee : A referee is a user if he wishes to find referrals.
  • Referrer : A referrer is a user if he wishes to give referrals to individuals (potential referees) seeking opportunity at their company. A referrer can also request referrals (can be a referee) if looking for new opportunities.

Common actions

  • Login
  • Register
  • Create a post for requesting referral. Fields visible in the post:
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email
    • Contact
    • Resume Link
    • Years of Experience
    • Current geographical location
    • Current title (Student, software engineer, etc.)
    • Current organization (like university name or current company name)
    • About himself
    • Target company name
    • Target position title
    • Job Link
  • Authenticate using organization email
  • List all previous posts made by this user.
  • Delete post.

Actions per persona

  • Referee
    • Common actions
  • Referrer
    • Common actions
    • View posts by others for the referrer's company.


In this MVP, we haven't covered few features. These can be the possible enhancements:

  1. Email verification by sending and verifying OTP
  2. Abuse protection:
    • Limiting number of posts a user can create every day
    • Reveal button on each post to allow referrer's to view only limited number of posts (and their sensitive details like first name, last name, email, contact, resume link) every day (Avoids abuse)
  3. Multi-lingual support (internationalization)
  4. Complete workflows for CI/CD (currently only CI for Go has been created).
  5. Error toasts having user-friendly error messages (currently, we are just displaying error status code when there is an error).
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