LinguaLog is a language learning tracking web app that enables users to record and organize newly acquired words and phrases, functioning as a collaborative dictionary.
Click here to view the live link.
Feel free to use the following credentials created for your convenience to log in and test the app:
Username: test
Password: 12345678
- MERN Stack.
- CRUD app.
- HTTP requests.
- User authentication.
- Passwrod is hashed and salted.
- User authentication.
- Connection to MongoDB database.
- Storing IDs to localStorage
- Storing tokens to cookies.
- Form validation.
- Dark/light modes storing to localStorage.
- Responsive design.
- Deployed with a live link.
- MongoDB for database.
- Express.js for server.
- React for frontend.
- Node.js for backend.
- Bootstrap for styling and icons.
- Google Fonts for fonts.
- Bycrypt for hasing and salting passwords.
- JWT for user authentication.
- VS Code
- MongoDB Compass
- Postman
- Render
- concurrently
- nodemon
- dotenv
- cors
- express
- mongoose
- bcrypt
- bootstrap
- react-router-dom
- react-bootstrap
- react-bootstrap-icons
- react-cookie
- jsonwebtoken
- jwt-decode
- Users languages/dialects they are learning to their profile.
- Users can see multiple dictionaries for each language/dialect they are learning.
- Ability to search words and phrases in the dictionary.
- Users to see all their entries on their profile.
Thank you for visiting! 🎀