This repository contains jupyter notebooks on statistics and machine learning associated with the lectures at this school.
The notebooks in this package depend on several well-known Python modules, all well-engineered and free!
modules | description |
pandas | data table manipulation, often with data loaded from csv files |
numpy | array manipulation and numerical analysis |
matplotlib | a widely used plotting module for producing high quality plots |
imageio | photo-quality image display module |
scikit-learn | easy to use machine learning toolkit |
pytorch | a powerful, flexible, machine learning toolkit |
scipy | scientific computing |
sympy | an excellent symbolic mathematics module |
iminuit | an elegant wrapper around the venerable CERN minimizer Minuit |
emcee | an MCMC module |
tqdm | progress bar |
joblib | module to save and load Python object |
importlib | importing and re-importing modules |
The simplest way to install these Python modules is first to install miniconda (a slim version of Anaconda) on your laptop by following the instructions at:
I recommend installing miniconda3, which comes pre-packaged with Python 3.
Software release systems such as Anaconda (conda for short) make it possible to have several separate self-consistent named environments on a single machine, say your laptop. For example, you may need to use Python 3.7.5 and an associated set of compatible packages and at other times you may need to use Python 3.9.13 with packages that require that particular version of Python. If you install software without using environments there is the danger that the software on your laptop will eventually become inconsistent. Anaconda (and its lightweight companion miniconda) provide a way, for example, to create a software environment consistent with Python 3.7.5 and another that is consistent with Python 3.9.13. For example, one package may work only with a given version of numpy, while another requires a different version. In principle, having different versions of numpy on your machine, just like having different versions of Python, is not a problem if one uses environments.
Of course, like anything human beings make, miniconda3 is not perfect. There are times when the only solution is to delete an environment and rebuild by reinstalling the desired packages.
After installing miniconda3, It is a good idea to update conda using the command
conda update conda
Assuming conda is properly installed and initialized on your laptop, you can create an environment, here called clashep.
conda create --name clashep
and activate it by doing
conda activate clashep
You need create the environment only once, but you must activate the desired environment whenever you create a new terminal window.
Install root, python, numpy, …
conda install –c conda-forge root
If all goes well, this will install a recent version of the ROOT package from CERN as well as Python and several Python modules including numpy.
Install pytorch, matplotlib, scikit-learn, etc.
conda install –c conda-forge pytorch
conda install –c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install –c conda-forge scikit-learn
conda install –c conda-forge pandas
conda install –c conda-forge sympy
conda install –c conda-forge imageio
conda install –c conda-forge jupyter
Install git if it is not yet on your system, then download the CLASHEP package.
conda install –c conda-forge git
mkdir tutorials
cd tutorials
git clone
In the above the package CLASHEP has been downloaded into a directory called tutorials.
Open a new terminal window, navigate to the parent directory that contains CLASHEP, and run the jupyter notebook in that window (in blocking mode).
jupyter notebook
If all goes well, the jupyter notebook will appear in your default browser. Navigate to the CLASHEP directory and under the Files menu item, click on the notebook test.ipynb and execute it. This notebook tries to import several Python modules. If it does so without error messages, you are ready to try out the other notebooks.
notebook | description |
03_rootn | coverage of root(N) upper limits |
03_wilks | Wilks' theorem |
05_profile_likelihood | calculation of profile likelihood for a signal/background problem |
notebook | description |
hzz4l_sklearn | Boosted Decision Trees (BDT) with AdaBoost: classification of Higgs boson events |
hzz4l_pytorch | Deep Neural Network (DNN): classification of Higgs boson events |
autoencoder1d | Autoencoder: map SDSS galaxy/quasar data to 1D |
mnist_cnn | Convolutional Neural Network (CNN): classification of MNIST digits |
01_phantom..., 02_phantom..., 03_phantom... | Simulation-Based Inference (SBI): infer parameters of a 2-parameter cosmological model using simulation-based inference. The first notebook generates the simulated Type 1a data; the 2nd notebook performs the simulation-based inference (aka, likelihood-free inference), while the 3rd notebook checks the coverage of the confidence sets. The 2-parameter cosmological model is described in phantom_model.ipynb |