Check if an email address exists without sending any email.
is a thin TypeScript wrapper around the Reacher Email Verification API. Reacher is a 100% open-source SaaS, written in Rust. It's also free for personal use, and the API token in @reacherhq/api
is optional, but without it the requests will be rate-limited to 50 per month.
Install the package:
yarn add @reacherhq/api # Or npm install @reacherhq/api
There are two ways to use the library: by sending single API requests, or by using batch verification.
import { checkSingle } from '@reacherhq/api';
{ to_email: '' },
apiToken: '<YOUR_TOKEN>', // Optional, rate-limited if not provided.
).then(console.log); // Output will be the JSON described in the "JSON Output" section below.
import { batchQueue } from '@reacherhq/api';
// Create a queue for email verifications.
const q = batchQueue({
// Optional, rate-limited if not provided.
apiToken: '<YOUR_TOKEN>',
// Optional, callback to call on each successful verification.
onSuccessSingle: (result) => {
`Verified email ${result.input}: the result is ${result.is_reachable}.`
// Push some data into the queue. The email verification will start as soon as
// it's in the queue. The queue has a default concurrency of 100.
q.push({ to_email: '' });
q.push({ to_email: '' }, { to_email: '' });
// Perform some action when the queue is drained.
q.drain(() => {
console.log('Finished processing all items.');
Included? | Feature | Description | JSON field |
✅ | Email reachability | How confident are we in sending an email to this address? Can be one of safe , risky , invalid or unknown . |
is_reachable |
✅ | Syntax validation | Is the address syntactically valid? | syntax.is_valid_syntax |
✅ | DNS records validation | Does the domain of the email address have valid MX DNS records? | mx.accepts_mail |
✅ | Disposable email address (DEA) validation | Is the address provided by a known disposable email address provider? | misc.is_disposable |
✅ | SMTP server validation | Can the mail exchanger of the email address domain be contacted successfully? | smtp.can_connect_smtp |
✅ | Email deliverability | Is an email sent to this address deliverable? | smtp.is_deliverable |
✅ | Mailbox disabled | Has this email address been disabled by the email provider? | smtp.is_disabled |
✅ | Full inbox | Is the inbox of this mailbox full? | smtp.has_full_inbox |
✅ | Catch-all address | Is this email address a catch-all address? | smtp.is_catch_all |
✅ | Role account validation | Is the email address a well-known role account? | misc.is_role_account |
The output will be a JSON with the below format, the fields should be self-explanatory. For
(note that it is disabled by Gmail), here's the exact output:
"input": "",
"is_reachable": "invalid",
"misc": {
"is_disposable": false,
"is_role_account": false
"mx": {
"accepts_mail": true,
"records": [
"smtp": {
"can_connect_smtp": true,
"has_full_inbox": false,
"is_catch_all": false,
"is_deliverable": false,
"is_disabled": true
"syntax": {
"domain": "",
"is_valid_syntax": true,
"username": "someone"
You can also take a look at the OpenAPI v3 specification of this JSON object.
The source code is available under the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.