Welcome to the Movie Rating API developed with Django! This API allows users to rate movies and manage their ratings seamlessly. Here's an overview of what this API offers:
User Tokenization: Utilizes Django's default User model for authentication and tokenization. CRUD Operations: Users can perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on their ratings. Personalized Ratings: Each user can view and manage their movie ratings. Predefined Movie Data: The movie database comes with a set of predefined movies for users to rate.
To get started with the Movie Rating API, follow the steps below:
Clone the repository:
This API uses token-based authentication. Users must obtain a token by logging in with their credentials. The token must be included in the header of all requests that require authentication.
Here are the main endpoints provided by the Movie Rating API:
Register User: /api/register/ - Create a new user account. Login User: /api/login/ - Obtain an authentication token. Rate a Movie: /api/rate/ - Create or update a movie rating. View Ratings: /api/ratings/ - View all your movie ratings. Movie List: /api/movies/ - View the list of predefined movies.
POST /api/register/
"username": "your_username",
"password": "your_password"
POST /api/login/
"username": "your_username",
"password": "your_password"
POST /api/rate/
Headers: { "Authorization": "Token your_token" }
"movie_id": "movie_id",
"rating": 5
GET /api/ratings/
Headers: { "Authorization": "Token your_token" }
Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you find any bugs or want to contribute to the project.