The software unfold the rgb cube in a specific net and display it on terminal. Color amount, net shape, and cut orientation are configurable. Alternatively, solid can show colors organized by HSL parameters with hexcode.
Get it at releases page
git clone
cd solid
cargo build --release
solid [command][flag][options...]
Shows a 2d mapping rgb cube, with differents nets.
Example: solid rgb
-b <number>:
Bits quantitiy for each r,g, and b channel. The range interval is [1,8].
It defines the amount of colors the cube net has.
As a example if the option is set with value 3, then:
Plane = (axis ^ 3) * (axis ^ 3)
Cube = Plane * 6
Therefore, the total amount of colors displayed is 384.
Example:solid -b 3
-n <name>:
Type of 2d representation of the rgb cube. Available nets are
"ladder" and "cross".
Example:solid -n cross
-c <name>:
Variation of where the cube is opened. It defines which planes are separeted or not.
Available <name> area
Example:solid -c a
- -f:
Activate fill effect. Repeat the color to fulfill a rectangle.
- -f:
Shows colors with Hue, saturation and lightness parameters.
Example: solid hsl
This project was made to learn more about colors and Rust.