I follow these approaches by developing this project:
- Fast in developing and fast in real environment
- Testable with automation tests
- Secure RESTful APIs
- Scalable
I using Microsoft stack for developing and Postman for running APIs:
- C#
- Dot Net Core 3.1
- Dapper as ORM
- NUnit
- Moq
- MS-SQL Server
- Postman
This project is completely open-source and everyone can branch, download, redeploy, using for learning or enterprise purpose.
I created this project to share my knowledge and experience to get feedback from other developers to correct myself and improve my skills. However, I work hard to create a clean and trust code, it may contain ambiguous classes or methods that I hope get better by your comments in the future.
Since this project created for developing complex and huge projects with a vast variety of functionalities, my approach is DB-First.
I defined users and roles inside Database. All authentication functions such as Login, remember the password, change and reset the password, and create a new user are implemented by Stored-Procedures inside the database.
Each end-points must send their JWT in the request header for authorization. Before doing anything, the application tries to find-out user info, roles, and authorization. For checking user or role access to a certain API, I used Stored-Procedure to check Is-Access at database. In database I defined tables for maintaining API address and titles, roles, role access to APIs, and user roles table.
I used a seperate project for each tier:
FTSS.API: Is the upper tier of solution which contains RESTful API interface and dependecy pool
FTSS.Models: Models database objects
FTSS.DP.Dapper: Implement access to database objects using Dapper ORM
FTSS.Logic: All common functions such as JWT generator, Error Log, Messages, Mappers, and Convert types were Implemented by this tier
In this section I described the source code in details.
End-Point calling api/Users/Login and send Email & Password. If Email & Password is valid, Login will return JWT token + User non-sensitive data.