Releases: helmutkaufmann/wn-matomo-plugin
Releases · helmutkaufmann/wn-matomo-plugin
Updated README with further instructions. Added missing jResizer asset to Dashboard widget.
Updated README with further instructions. Added missing jResizer asset to Dashboard widget.
0.9.011 modified: updates/version.yaml
Added screenshots
0.9.010 modified: Plugin.php
Bug fixes
modified: models/settings/fields.yaml modified: reportwidgets/Dashboard.php modified: reportwidgets/Individual.php modified: updates/version.yaml
New reports, prepared for Matomo Tracker API inclusion.
0.9.008 deleted: reports.yaml_
0.9.007: modified: .gitignore
Enabled use of http and https.
Initial Beta Pre-Release
0.9.006 Update composer.json