MFSampledSP is a better-than-nothing implementation of the javax.sound.sampled service provider interfaces based on Microsoft's Media Foundation API. Among the supported formats are mp3, asf, wma, .aac, and m4a.
Its main purpose is to decode audio files or streams to signed linear pcm.
It is part of the SampledSP
collection of javax.sound.sampled
This library comes with absolutely no support, warranty etc. you name it.
Binaries and more info can be found at its tagtraum home.
You can only build this library on Windows 7 or later.
To do so, you also need:
- git
- Maven 3.0.5,
- Windows SDK 7.1,
- a JDK (to run Maven and get the JNI headers)
Once you have all this set up, clone the repository like this:
git clone mfsampledsp
Then you still need to adjust some properties in the parent pom.xml.
Or.. simply override them using -Dname=value
notation. E.g. to point to your
JDK's JNI headers, add
to your mvn call.
You might also need to change win32.sdk, if you don't have your Windows SDK
installed at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1
So all in all, something like the following might work for you:
mvn -Dwin32.headers.jni=C:\jdk1.8.0_31\include\ \
"-Dwin32.sdk=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1" \
clean install
Note that if you have a space character in your SDK path, you need to quote the entire
parameter, not just the value part.