- Add the source code directory to PATH: e.g.
export PATH=$PATH:/home/blabla/blabla/blabla/prefecture/
- Install selenium:
pip install -U selenium
- Run:
python main.py --url https://www.essonne.gouv.fr/booking/create/23014/ --delay 5
(for testing purposepython main.py --url http://www.essonne.gouv.fr/booking/create/xxxx/ --delay 4
> python main.py -h
usage: main.py [-h] --url URL [--delay DELAY]
RDV Prefecture
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--url URL Link of the RDV webpage. e.g:
--delay DELAY, -d DELAY
Delay in second between requests.
NB: Increase the delay --delay
if you encounter more "Bad gateway" error.