This repo contains code an slides for my talk on this subject.
Fine-grained composability of functions is one of the core advantages of FP.
Treating "Functions as Data" means that we can store, manipulate, pass functions around and compose them in much the same way we do with data.
This talk demonstrates different ways of function composition in Scala.
The focus lies on scala.Function1, because due to tupling and currying we can regard any FunctionN (except Function0) as a Function1. Curried functions are easier to compose.
Starting with the composition methods of scala.Function1: apply, compose and andThen, we will investigate folding a Seq of functions.
We can also define a pipe operator |> as in F# in order to 'pipe' values through a pipeline of functions.
Defining a Monoid for Function1 allows us to combine two or more functions into a new one.
A function can also be seen as a Functor and a Monad. That means: Functions can be mapped and flatMapped over. And we can write for-comprehensions in a Function1 context just as we do with List, Option, Future, Either etc.
Being Monads, we can use functions in any monadic context. We will see that Function1 is the Reader Monad.
The most powerful way of function composition is Kleisli (also known as ReaderT). We will see that Kleisli (defined with the Id context) is the Reader Monad again.
All this is demonstrated in small sample programs in package demo. Most of the demos are provided in two versions, one using the Cats library, the other one using my own implementations of categories provided in package mycats.
Another App (in package kleisliapp) is in kleisliapp.WCApp[1-7].scala*. This App is a more advanced Kleisli-demo. It implements a simple word count (WC) for a text resource. The App is implemented in 7 subsequent steps, one improving the other.
- Step 1: First draft: synchronous impl with try-catch-finally
- Step 2: Synchronous impl with Try and auto-closing of the resource
- Step 3: Uses Cats' Either syntax to easily convert a Try to an Either
- Step 4: Goes functional. It turns methods (defs) into functions (vals).
- Step 5: Uses Kleisli wrapping an Either
- Step 6: Uses Kleisli wrapping an EitherT that wraps a Future which in turn wraps an Either
- Step 7: abstracts over Future and turns Future to a generic effect: F[_] (which is constrained to be a Monad). F is reified with three concrete types: cats.Id, scala.concurrent.Future and monix.eval.Task.