A web wallpaper designed for Wallpaper Engine
The Wallpaper is made for and maintained on the Steam Workshop.
It is however basically a website and can be easily run in any browser.
Since you need to own Wallpaper Engine in order to access it's Workshop Content and this Wallpaper, I published this for some interested people...
But: If you encounter any issues of have suggestions please address them on Steam.
You are allowed to use this Wallpaper for your favourite party, event, video, stream, etc. Please just include a link to THIS repository or the Steam-Page (see urls above). Thanks 🙂
- we_utils diverse utilities
- we_project_helper translating & editing .json
- jQuery gui editing
- three.js & Examples for webgl rendering
- HTML5 Environment for webGL & audio features
This Wallpaper is incorporating pieces of Software with different Licenses, as seen above. The project itself is licensed under the GPLv3 and several portions of it under MIT. Users of any part of this Code must therefore abide by the conditions of all licences which covered it as they received it.