Neovim plugin that mimics base functionality of LLM-style code-completion plugins. Created to experiment with "Fill In The Middle" LLMs like starcoder2 and deepseek-coder.
Should work with any plugin manager.
use 'heyfixit/shrimply-suggest.nvim'
Plug 'heyfixit/shrimply-suggest.nvim'
local shrimply_suggest = require("shrimply-suggest")
enabled = true,
debounce_time = 500, -- Debounce time in milliseconds
command_generator_fn = nil, -- User-defined function to generate the command string or table
code_filetypes = { "lua", "python", "javascript" }, -- Default code-related filetypes
The command_generator_fn
is a function that generates an external command that will be executed
after the debounce period passes. Only the most recent instance of this command will be run to completion.
If any instances of this command is in flight and another is triggered, the prior one is killed.
The command
is expected to output a json
string in the form:
"response": "This should be a string representing the completion suggestion",
"error": "If this field is present, the command is assumed to have failed"
A lot is left to user configuration here, it is up to you to produce the proper command string or table, whether it's curl
, or something else.
-- 3 main keymappings that should be defined
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<M-l>", "", {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
callback = shrimply_suggest.accept_suggestion,
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<M-]>", "", {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
callback = shrimply_suggest.move_to_next_suggestion,
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<M-[>", "", {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
callback = shrimply_suggest.move_to_previous_suggestion,
-- using lazy.nvim for plugin management
config = function()
local shrimply_suggest = require("shrimply-suggest")
-- Initialize model configuration
local model = {
name = "starcoder2:7b",
prompt_format = "<repo_name>%s\n<fim_sep>%s\n<fim_prefix>\n%s%s\n<fim_suffix>\n%s\n<fim_middle>",
stop_sequences = { "<fim_sep>", "<|endoftext|>", "<fim_prefix>", "<fim_suffix>", "<fim_middle>", "<repo_name>" },
command_generator_fn = function()
-- Get the current buffer and cursor position
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local cursor_pos = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
local current_line = cursor_pos[1] - 1
-- Get the project root directory
local repo_name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.getcwd(), ":t") or ""
-- Get the relative path to the current file
local file_path = vim.fn.expand("%:.") or ""
-- Get the lines above and below the current line
local lines_above = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, math.max(0, current_line - 30), current_line, false)
local lines_below = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(
current_line + 1,
math.min(current_line + 51, vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr)),
-- Get the text on the current line up to the cursor position
local current_line_text = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line():sub(1, cursor_pos[2])
-- Construct the prompt message based on the model's prompt format
local prompt = string.format(
table.concat(lines_above or {}, "\n"),
table.concat(lines_below or {}, "\n")
-- API request parameters
local url = config.url
local data = {
model = "starcoder2:7b",
prompt = prompt,
stream = false,
options = {
num_predict = 100,
top_k = 20,
top_p = 0.5,
temperature = 0.2,
repeat_penalty = 1.1,
stop = model.stop_sequences,
num_gpu = 1,
-- Encode the data as JSON
local json_data = vim.fn.json_encode(data)
-- Return the command and options as a table
return {
-- Define custom keymappings
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<M-l>", "", {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
callback = shrimply_suggest.accept_suggestion,
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<M-]>", "", {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
callback = shrimply_suggest.move_to_next_suggestion,
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<M-[>", "", {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
callback = shrimply_suggest.move_to_previous_suggestion,
Let's say you weren't sure which model you'd prefer. This example will switch models every 20 suggestions either accepted or skipped. It will write statistics to a json file on how many you accept vs how many you skip for each model.
-- mimic something like python's named placeholder formatting
local function format(str, params)
return (str:gsub("({([^}]+)})", function(whole, key)
return tostring(params[key] or whole)
local shrimply_suggest = require("shrimply-suggest")
-- Initialize model configurations
-- each model ends up having unique FIM prompt formats
-- sometimes you find these in the model's release paper, other times maybe in a README
local models = {
name = "starcoder2:7b",
prompt_format = "<repo_name>{repo_name}\n<fim_sep>{file_path}\n<fim_prefix>\n{lines_before}{current_line}\n<fim_suffix>\n{lines_after}\n<fim_middle>",
stop_sequences = { "<fim_sep>", "<|endoftext|>", "<fim_prefix>", "<fim_suffix>", "<fim_middle>", "<repo_name>" },
name = "deepseek-coder:6.7b",
prompt_format = "<|fim▁begin|>{lines_before}{current_line}<|fim▁hole|>\n{lines_after}<|fim▁end|>",
stop_sequences = { "<|fim▁begin|>", "<|fim▁hole|>", "<|fim▁end|>" },
-- Initialize suggestion statistics
local stats = {}
for _, model in ipairs(models) do
stats[] = {
total_suggestions = 0,
accepted_suggestions = 0,
-- Load statistics from file if it exists
local stats_file = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/shrimply_suggest_stats.json"
if vim.fn.filereadable(stats_file) == 1 then
local data = vim.fn.readfile(stats_file)
if data and data[1] then
stats = vim.fn.json_decode(data[1])
-- Initialize current model index
local current_model_index = 1
command_generator_fn = function()
-- Get the current model
local model = models[current_model_index]
-- Get the current buffer and cursor position
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local cursor_pos = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
local current_line = cursor_pos[1] - 1
-- Get the project root directory
local repo_name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.getcwd(), ":t") or ""
-- Get the relative path to the current file
local file_path = vim.fn.expand("%:.") or ""
-- Get the lines above and below the current line
local lines_above = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, math.max(0, current_line - 30), current_line, false)
local lines_below = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(
current_line + 1,
math.min(current_line + 51, vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr)),
-- Get the text on the current line up to the cursor position
local current_line_text = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line():sub(1, cursor_pos[2])
-- Construct the prompt message based on the model's prompt format
local prompt_values = {
repo_name = repo_name or "",
file_path = file_path or "",
lines_before = table.concat(lines_above or {}, "\n"),
current_line = current_line_text or "",
lines_after = table.concat(lines_below or {}, "\n"),
local prompt = format(model.prompt_format, prompt_values)
-- API request parameters
local url = config.url
local data = {
model = "starcoder2:7b",
prompt = prompt,
stream = false,
options = {
num_predict = 100,
top_k = 20,
top_p = 0.5,
temperature = 0.2,
repeat_penalty = 1.1,
stop = model.stop_sequences,
num_gpu = 1,
-- Encode the data as JSON
local json_data = vim.fn.json_encode(data)
-- Return the command and options as a table
return {
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<M-l>", "", {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
callback = function()
-- Increment accepted suggestions for the current model
stats[models[current_model_index].name].accepted_suggestions = stats[models[current_model_index].name].accepted_suggestions
+ 1
-- Increment total suggestions for the current model
stats[models[current_model_index].name].total_suggestions = stats[models[current_model_index].name].total_suggestions
+ 1
-- Switch to the next model every 20 suggestions
if stats[models[current_model_index].name].total_suggestions % 20 == 0 then
current_model_index = (current_model_index % #models) + 1
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<M-]>", "", {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
callback = function()
-- Increment total suggestions for the current model
stats[models[current_model_index].name].total_suggestions = stats[models[current_model_index].name].total_suggestions
+ 1
-- Switch to the next model every 20 suggestions
if stats[models[current_model_index].name].total_suggestions % 20 == 0 then
current_model_index = (current_model_index % #models) + 1
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<M-[>", "", {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
callback = shrimply_suggest.move_to_previous_suggestion,