To design and develop the prototype of ‘Freelancer’ ( web application and demonstrate the use of RESTful web services along with distributed messaging system Kafka as a middleware and NoSQL database MongoDB along with Passport as a authentication service middleware and deployment on Amazon EC2 instance.
Individual assignment for CMPE 273 - Enterprise Distributed Systems course during Software Engineering.
This application is divided into 3 parts:
- react-client
- node-backend
- kafka-backend
react-client consists of react components and calls node-backend API on any user action. node-backend consists of 23+ APIs to send message to kafka topic on user action. kafka-backend consists of 23 consumer. These consumers keep on listening to 23 topics and perform activities on receiving the message on topic. node-backend and kafka-backend use ‘correlation-id’ to remember to communication and work as request/response. As there is one unique topic for each API, no single consumer is overloaded with multiple request and scalability is achieved. In this way node-backend does the message producing part and kafka-backend deals with performing actual functionality involving MongoDB database. In this application Passport JS node module is used as a authentication middleware with persistent session configuration which are stored in MongoDB. This provides horizontal scalability.
- Standard Sign Up, Sign In and Logout functionalities.
- As an authenticated user, I can Create and Update profile information.
- As an authenticated user, I can Post Project and allow other users to bids on project.
- As an authenticated user, I can bid on projects posted.
- As an authenticated user, I can Get list of all open projects to bid on with pagination having 10 projects/page.
- As an authenticated user, I can Sort project bids.
- As an authenticated user, I can Search project on the basis of Project Name and Technology Stack with filter on project status.
- As an authenticated user, I can Hire freelancer on the basis of bids received.
- As an authenticated user, I can Check open projects and bid on projects posted by other users.
- As an authenticated user, I can Check project completion date when freelancer is hired.
- As an authenticated user, I can add money to wallet, withdraw money and pay to hired freelancer.
- As an authenticated user, I can check transaction history along with pie chart.
For Detailed Description check Project Report
Applications uses a simple Client-Server architecture
- Client Side : ReactJS (Redux, HTML5 and Bootstrap)
Consists of total 25+ React components.
Effective modularisation is used in each component so as to increase reusability.
- Server Side : NodeJS, ExpressJS
Consists of 23+ APIs to serve client requests.
- Database : MongoDB
Consists of 3 collections:
* User : To store user related information.
* Project : To stores project details posted by user along with array of bids in each project document.
* Payment : Stores all credit/debit transaction. (Add, withdraw and Payment)
Name | Description | Used |
React | Fast, composable client-side components. | Frontend |
Redux | Enforces unidirectional data flows and immutable, hot reloadable store. Supports time-travel debugging. | Frontend |
React Router | A complete routing library for React | Frontend |
React Google Charts | A React Google Charts Wrapper | Frontend |
Axios | Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js | Frontend |
MaterializeCSS | A a CSS Framework based on material design. | Frontend |
Express | For creating the backend logic | Backend |
Mongoose | To work faster with MongoDB | Backend |
Apache Kafka | Messaging Service | Middleware |
Passport | For simplified authentication in Node.js | Backend |
Babel | Compiles ES6 into ES5 | General |
Webpack | Bundles npm packages and our JS into a single file. | General |
ESLint | Lint JS. Reports syntax and style issues. | General |
- Download the kafka latest release and un-zip it.
- Go to kafka directory: cd kafka_2.11-1.1.0
- Start Zookeeper: bin/ config/
- Start Kafka : bin/ config/
- Create Topics : Lab2-Kagdi/kafka_topics
- Go to Path : \react_node_backend
- npm install
- npm run start-dev
This will start ReactJS server on 3000 port and NodeJS server will start at 3001 port.
- Go to Path : \ kafka_backend
- npm install
- node server.js
This will start kafka_backend server.