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hferee committed Jul 7, 2024
2 parents 0a51d8b + 127f155 commit 66c3358
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331 changes: 331 additions & 0 deletions theories/iSL/Cut.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
Require Import ISL.Formulas ISL.Sequents ISL.Order.
Require Import ISL.SequentProps .

(* TODO: move *)
Lemma open_boxes_R (Γ : env) (φ ψ : form): (Γ • φ) ⊢ ψ → ((⊗Γ) • φ) ⊢ ψ.
revert ψ.
induction Γ using gmultiset_rec; intro ψ.
- rewrite open_boxes_empty. trivial.
- intro HP. peapply (open_box_L (⊗ Γ • φ) x ψ).
+ apply ImpR_rev, IHΓ, ImpR. peapply HP.
+ rewrite open_boxes_disj_union, open_boxes_singleton; ms.

Instance proper_env_order: Proper ((≡@{env}) ==> (≡@{env}) ==>(=)) env_order.

Lemma env_add_remove : ∀ (Γ: env) (φ : form), (Γ • φ) ∖ {[φ]} =Γ.
Proof. intros; ms. Qed.

(* From "A New Calculus for Intuitionistic Strong Löb Logic" *)
Theorem additive_cut Γ φ ψ :
Γ ⊢ φ -> Γ • φ ⊢ ψ ->
Γ ⊢ ψ.
Proof. (*
Ltac order_tac := try (apply le_S_n; etransitivity; [|exact HW]); apply Nat.le_succ_l;
match goal with |- env_weight .order_tac. *)
remember (weight φ) as w. assert(Hw : weight φ ≤ w) by lia. clear Heqw.
revert φ Hw ψ Γ.
induction w; intros φ Hw; [pose (weight_pos φ); lia|].
intros ψ Γ.
remember (Γ, ψ) as pe.
replace Γ with pe.1 by now subst.
replace ψ with pe.2 by now subst. clear Heqpe Γ ψ. revert pe.
refine (@well_founded_induction _ _ wf_pointed_order _ _).
intros (Γ &ψ). simpl. intro IHW'. assert (IHW := fun Γ0 => fun ψ0 => IHW' (Γ0, ψ0)).
simpl in IHW. clear IHW'. intros HPφ HPψ.
Ltac otac Heq := subst; repeat rewrite env_replace in Heq by trivial; repeat rewrite env_add_remove by trivial; order_tac; rewrite Heq; order_tac.
destruct HPφ; simpl in Hw.
- now apply contraction.
- apply ExFalso.
- apply AndL_rev in HPψ. do 2 apply IHw in HPψ; trivial; try lia; apply weakening; assumption.
- apply AndL. apply IHW; auto with proof. order_tac.
- apply OrL_rev in HPψ; apply (IHw φ); [lia| |]; tauto.
- apply OrL_rev in HPψ; apply (IHw ψ0); [lia| |]; tauto.
- apply OrL; apply IHW; auto with proof.
+ otac Heq.
+ exch 0. eapply (OrL_rev _ φ ψ0). exch 0. exact HPψ.
+ order_tac.
+ exch 0. eapply (OrL_rev _ φ ψ0). exch 0. exact HPψ.
- (* (V) *) (* hard: *)
(* START *)
remember (Γ • (φ → ψ0)) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ ≡ Γ' ∖ {[ φ → ψ0]}) by ms.
assert(Hin : (φ → ψ0) ∈ Γ')by ms.
rw Heq 0. destruct HPψ.
+ forward. auto with proof.
+ forward. auto with proof.
+ apply AndR.
* rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply IHW.
-- order_tac.
-- now apply ImpR.
-- peapply HPψ1.
* rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply IHW.
-- order_tac.
-- apply ImpR. box_tac. peapply HPφ.
-- peapply HPψ2.
+ forward. apply AndL. apply IHW.
* otac Heq.
* apply AndL_rev. backward. rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply ImpR, HPφ.
* backward. peapply HPψ.
+ apply OrR1, IHW.
* rewrite HH, env_add_remove. order_tac.
* rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply ImpR, HPφ.
* peapply HPψ.
+ apply OrR2, IHW.
* rewrite HH, env_add_remove. order_tac.
* rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply ImpR, HPφ.
* peapply HPψ.
+ forward. apply ImpR in HPφ.
assert(Hin' : (φ0 ∨ ψ) ∈ ((Γ0 • φ0 ∨ ψ) ∖ {[φ→ ψ0]}))
by (apply in_difference; [discriminate|ms]).
assert(HPφ' : (((Γ0 • φ0 ∨ ψ) ∖ {[φ→ ψ0]}) ∖ {[φ0 ∨ ψ]} • φ0 ∨ ψ) ⊢ (φ → ψ0))
by (rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ (φ0 ∨ψ) Hin')) 0; peapply HPφ).
assert (HP := (OrL_rev _ φ0 ψ (φ → ψ0) HPφ')).
apply OrL.
* apply IHW.
-- rewrite env_replace in Heq by trivial. order_tac. rewrite Heq. order_tac.
-- peapply HP.1.
-- exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1. exact HPψ1.
* apply IHW.
-- rewrite env_replace in Heq by trivial. order_tac. rewrite Heq. order_tac.
-- peapply HP.2.
-- exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1. exact HPψ2.
+ rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply ImpR, IHW.
-- order_tac.
-- apply weakening, ImpR, HPφ.
-- exch 0. rewrite <- HH. exact HPψ.
+ case (decide ((Var p → φ0) = (φ → ψ0))).
* intro Heq'; inversion Heq'; subst. clear Heq'.
replace ((Γ0 • Var p • (p → ψ0)) ∖ {[p → ψ0]}) with (Γ0 • Var p) by ms.
apply (IHw ψ0).
-- lia.
-- apply contraction. peapply HPφ.
-- assumption.
* intro Hneq. do 2 forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar, IHW.
-- repeat rewrite env_replace in Heq by trivial. order_tac. rewrite Heq. order_tac.
-- apply imp_cut with (φ := Var p). exch 0. do 2 backward.
rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply ImpR, HPφ.
-- exch 0; exch 1. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin1)) 2. exact HPψ.
+ case (decide (((φ1 ∧ φ2) → φ3)= (φ → ψ0))).
* intro Heq'; inversion Heq'; subst. clear Heq'. rw (symmetry Heq) 0.
apply (IHw (φ1 → φ2 → ψ0)).
-- simpl in *. lia.
-- apply ImpR, ImpR, AndL_rev, HPφ.
-- peapply HPψ.
* intro Hneq. forward. apply ImpLAnd, IHW.
-- rewrite env_replace in Heq by trivial. order_tac. rewrite Heq. order_tac.
-- apply ImpLAnd_rev. backward. rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply ImpR, HPφ.
-- exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1. exact HPψ.
+ case (decide (((φ1 ∨ φ2) → φ3)= (φ → ψ0))).
* intro Heq'; inversion Heq'; subst. clear Heq'. rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply OrL_rev in HPφ.
apply (IHw (φ1 → ψ0)).
-- simpl in *. lia.
-- apply (IHw (φ2 → ψ0)).
++ simpl in *; lia.
++ apply ImpR, HPφ.
++ apply weakening, ImpR, HPφ.
-- apply (IHw (φ2 → ψ0)).
++ simpl in *; lia.
++ apply weakening, ImpR, HPφ.
++ peapply HPψ.
* intro Hneq. forward. apply ImpLOr, IHW.
-- rewrite env_replace in Heq by trivial. order_tac. rewrite Heq. order_tac.
-- apply ImpLOr_rev. backward. rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply ImpR, HPφ.
-- exch 0. exch 1. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 2. exact HPψ.
+ case (decide (((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) = (φ → ψ0))).
* intro Heq'. inversion Heq'; subst. clear Heq'. rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply (IHw ψ0).
-- lia.
-- apply (IHw(φ1 → φ2)).
++ lia.
++ apply (IHw (φ2 → ψ0)).
** simpl in *. lia.
** apply ImpR. eapply imp_cut, HPφ.
** peapply HPψ1.
++ exact HPφ.
-- peapply HPψ2.
* (* (V-d) *)
intro Hneq. forward. apply ImpLImp.
-- apply ImpR, IHW.
++ otac Heq.
++ exch 0. apply contraction, ImpLImp_dup. backward. rw (symmetry Heq) 0.
apply ImpR, HPφ.
++ exch 0. apply ImpR_rev. exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1.
exact HPψ1.
-- apply IHW.
++ otac Heq.
++ apply imp_cut with (φ1 → φ2). backward. rw (symmetry Heq) 0.
apply ImpR, HPφ.
++ exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1. exact HPψ2.
+ case (decide ((□ φ1 → φ2) = (φ → ψ0))).
* intro Heq'. inversion Heq'; subst. clear Heq'. rw (symmetry Heq) 0.
assert(Γ = Γ0) by ms. subst Γ0. clear Hin.
apply (IHw (□ φ1)).
-- lia.
-- apply BoxR, (IHw(ψ0)).
++ lia.
++ apply open_boxes_R, HPφ.
++ exact HPψ1.
-- apply (IHw(ψ0)).
++ lia.
++ exact HPφ.
++ exch 0. apply weakening, HPψ2.
* (* (V-f ) *)
intro Hneq. forward. apply ImpBox.
-- apply IHW.
++ otac Heq.
++ apply ImpR_rev, open_boxes_R, ImpR.
apply ImpLBox_prev with φ1. exch 0. apply weakening.
backward. rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply ImpR, HPφ.
++ exch 0. exch 1. box_tac. apply In_open_boxes in Hin0. simpl in Hin0.
rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 2. exact HPψ1.
-- apply IHW.
++ otac Heq.
++ apply ImpLBox_prev with φ1. backward. rw (symmetry Heq) 0.
apply ImpR, HPφ.
++ exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1. exact HPψ2.
+ subst. rw (symmetry Heq) 0. rewrite open_boxes_add in HPψ. simpl in HPψ.
apply BoxR. apply IHW.
* otac Heq. (* todo: count rhs twice *)
* apply open_boxes_R, weakening, ImpR, HPφ.
* exch 0. exact HPψ.
- apply ImpLVar. eapply IHW; eauto.
+ otac Heq.
+ exch 0. apply (imp_cut (Var p)). exch 0; exact HPψ.
- apply ImpLAnd. eapply IHW; eauto.
+ otac Heq.
+ exch 0. apply ImpLAnd_rev. exch 0. exact HPψ.
- apply ImpLOr. eapply IHW; eauto.
+ otac Heq.
+ exch 0. exch 1. apply ImpLOr_rev. exch 0. exact HPψ.
- apply ImpLImp; [assumption|].
apply IHW.
+ otac Heq.
+ assumption.
+ exch 0. eapply ImpLImp_prev. exch 0. exact HPψ.
- apply ImpBox. trivial. apply IHW.
* otac Heq.
* assumption.
* exch 0. eapply ImpLBox_prev. exch 0. exact HPψ.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
(* (VIII) *)
- remember (Γ • □ φ) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ ≡ Γ' ∖ {[ □ φ ]}) by ms.
assert(Hin : (□ φ) ∈ Γ')by ms.
rw Heq 0. destruct HPψ.
+ forward. auto with proof.
+ forward. auto with proof.
+ apply AndR.
* apply IHW.
-- subst. rewrite env_add_remove. otac H.
-- rw (symmetry Heq) 0. now apply BoxR.
-- peapply HPψ1.
* apply IHW.
-- otac Heq.
-- apply BoxR. box_tac. peapply HPφ. rewrite Heq.
rewrite open_boxes_remove; trivial.
-- peapply HPψ2.
+ forward. apply AndL. apply IHW.
* otac Heq.
* apply AndL_rev. backward. rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply BoxR, HPφ.
* backward. peapply HPψ.
+ apply OrR1, IHW.
* otac Heq.
* rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply BoxR, HPφ.
* peapply HPψ.
+ apply OrR2, IHW.
* otac Heq.
* rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply BoxR, HPφ.
* peapply HPψ.
+ forward. apply BoxR in HPφ.
assert(Hin' : (φ0 ∨ ψ) ∈ ((Γ0 • φ0 ∨ ψ) ∖ {[□ φ]}))
by (apply in_difference; [discriminate|ms]).
assert(HPφ' : (((Γ0 • φ0 ∨ ψ) ∖ {[□ φ]}) ∖ {[φ0 ∨ ψ]} • φ0 ∨ ψ) ⊢ □ φ)
by (rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ (φ0 ∨ψ) Hin')) 0; peapply HPφ).
assert (HP := (OrL_rev _ φ0 ψ (□φ) HPφ')).
apply OrL.
* apply IHW.
-- otac Heq.
-- peapply HP.1.
-- exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1. exact HPψ1.
* apply IHW.
-- otac Heq.
-- peapply HP.2.
-- exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1. exact HPψ2.
+ rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply ImpR, IHW.
-- otac Heq.
-- apply weakening, BoxR, HPφ.
-- exch 0. rewrite <- HH. exact HPψ.
+ do 2 forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar, IHW.
* otac Heq.
* apply imp_cut with (φ := Var p). exch 0. do 2 backward.
rewrite HH. apply BoxR in HPφ. peapply HPφ.
* exch 0; exch 1. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin1)) 2. exact HPψ.
+ forward. apply ImpLAnd, IHW.
* otac Heq.
* apply BoxR in HPφ. apply ImpLAnd_rev. backward. rewrite HH. peapply HPφ.
* exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1. exact HPψ.
+ forward. apply ImpLOr, IHW.
* otac Heq.
* apply BoxR in HPφ. apply ImpLOr_rev. backward. rewrite HH. peapply HPφ.
* exch 0. exch 1. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 2. exact HPψ.
+ forward. apply ImpLImp.
-- apply ImpR, IHW.
++ otac Heq.
++ exch 0. apply contraction, ImpLImp_dup. backward. rw (symmetry Heq) 0.
apply BoxR, HPφ.
++ exch 0. apply ImpR_rev. exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1.
exact HPψ1.
-- apply IHW.
++ otac Heq.
++ apply imp_cut with (φ1 → φ2). backward. rw (symmetry Heq) 0.
apply BoxR, HPφ.
++ exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1. exact HPψ2.
+ (* (VIII-b) *)
forward. apply ImpBox.
* (* π0 *)
apply IHW.
-- otac Heq.
-- apply ImpLBox_prev with (φ1 := φ1).
exch 0. apply weakening.
apply open_boxes_R. backward. rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply BoxR, HPφ.
-- (* π1 *)
apply (IHw φ).
++ lia.
++ exch 1; exch 0. apply weakening.
exch 0. apply ImpLBox_prev with (φ1 := φ1). exch 0.
replace (□ φ1 → φ2) with (⊙ (□ φ1 → φ2)) by trivial.
rewrite <- (open_boxes_add (Γ0 ∖ {[□φ]}) (□ φ1 → φ2)).
assert(Heq0 : (Γ0 ∖ {[□ φ]} • (□ φ1 → φ2)) ≡ Γ)
by (rewrite Heq; now rewrite env_replace).
rw (proper_open_boxes _ _ Heq0) 1. exact HPφ.
++ box_tac. exch 0. apply weakening. exch 0. exch 1.
assert(Hin1 : φ ∈ ⊗ Γ0) by(apply In_open_boxes in Hin0; now simpl).
rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin1)) 2. exact HPψ1.
* apply IHW.
-- otac Heq.
-- apply ImpLBox_prev with (φ1 := φ1). backward.
rw (symmetry Heq) 0. apply BoxR, HPφ.
-- exch 0. rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin0)) 1. exact HPψ2.
+ (* (VIII-c) *)
subst. rw (symmetry Heq) 0. rewrite open_boxes_add in HPψ. simpl in HPψ.
apply BoxR. apply IHW.
* otac Heq. (* todo: count rhs twice *)
* apply open_boxes_R, weakening, BoxR, HPφ.
* apply (IHw φ).
-- lia.
-- exch 0. apply weakening, HPφ.
-- exch 0. apply weakening. exch 0. exact HPψ.

(* Multiplicative cut rule *)
Theorem cut Γ Γ' φ ψ :
Γ ⊢ φ -> Γ' • φ ⊢ ψ ->
Γ ⊎ Γ' ⊢ ψ.
intros π1 π2. apply additive_cut with φ.
- apply generalised_weakeningR, π1.
- replace (Γ ⊎ Γ' • φ) with (Γ ⊎ (Γ' • φ)) by ms. apply generalised_weakeningL, π2.
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions theories/iSL/Simp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
Require Import ISL.SequentProps.
Require Import ISL.Sequents.
Require Import ISL.Environments.
Require Import ISL.Environments ISL.Sequents ISL.SequentProps ISL.Cut.

Definition simp_or φ ψ :=
if decide (φ = ⊥) then ψ
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