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Yag000 committed Jul 8, 2024
1 parent 60fa899 commit 68ef999
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 29 deletions.
123 changes: 94 additions & 29 deletions theories/iSL/Simp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,25 @@
Require Import ISL.Environments ISL.Sequents ISL.SequentProps ISL.Cut.

Definition obviously_smaller (φ : form) ψ :=
if decide (φ = ⊥) then Lt
else if decide (ψ = ⊥) then Gt
else if decide (φ = ⊤) then Gt
else if decide (ψ = ⊤) then Lt
else if decide (φ = ψ) then Lt
else Eq.
Fixpoint obviously_smaller (φ : form) (ψ : form) :=
match (φ, ψ) with
|(Bot, _) => Lt
|(_, Bot) => Gt
|(Bot → _, _) => Gt
|(_, Bot → _) => Lt
|(φ ∧ ψ, ϴ) => match (obviously_smaller φ ϴ, obviously_smaller ψ ϴ) with
| (Lt, _) | (_, Lt) => Lt
| (Gt, Gt) => Gt
| _ => Eq
|(φ ∨ ψ, ϴ) => match (obviously_smaller φ ϴ, obviously_smaller ψ ϴ) with
| (Gt, _) | (_, Gt) => Gt
| (Lt, Lt) => Lt
| _ => Eq
|(φ, ψ) => if decide (φ = ψ) then Lt else Eq

Definition choose_or φ ψ :=
match obviously_smaller φ ψ with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,41 +139,94 @@ Proof.
apply H.

(* Some tactics for the obviously_smaller proofs. *)

Ltac eq_clean H e := case decide in H; [rewrite e; apply generalised_axiom | discriminate].

Ltac bot_clean :=
match goal with
| [ |- Bot ≼ _] => apply ExFalso
| [ |- _ ≼ Bot → _ ] => apply ImpR; apply ExFalso
| _ => idtac

Ltac induction_auto :=
match goal with
| IH : obviously_smaller ?f ?f2 = Lt → ?f ≼ ?f2 , H : obviously_smaller ?f ?f2 = Lt |- (∅ • ?f) ⊢ ?f2 =>
apply IH; assumption
| IH : obviously_smaller ?f ?f2 = Gt → ?f2 ≼ ?f , H : obviously_smaller ?f ?f2 = Gt |- (∅ • ?f2) ⊢ ?f =>
apply IH; assumption

| IH : obviously_smaller ?f _ = Lt → ?f ≼ _ , H : obviously_smaller ?f _ = Lt |- ?f ∧ _ ≼ _ =>
apply AndL; apply weakening; apply IH; assumption
| IH : obviously_smaller ?f _ = Lt → ?f ≼ _ , H : obviously_smaller ?f _ = Lt |- _ ∧ ?f ≼ _ =>
apply AndL; exch 0; apply weakening; apply IH; assumption

| IH : obviously_smaller ?f _ = Gt → _ ≼ ?f , H : obviously_smaller ?f _ = Gt |- _ ≼ ?f ∨ _ =>
apply OrR1; apply IH; assumption
| IH : obviously_smaller ?f _ = Gt → _ ≼ ?f , H : obviously_smaller ?f _ = Gt |- _ ≼ _ ∨ ?f =>
apply OrR2; apply IH; assumption
| _ => idtac

Ltac imp_clean :=
match goal with
| [ H : obviously_smaller _ (?f → _) = Lt |- _ ≼ ?f → _ ] => destruct f; simpl in H; try discriminate; bot_clean
| [ H : obviously_smaller (?f → _) _ = Lt |- (?f → _) ≼ _ ] => destruct f; simpl in H; discriminate
| [ H : obviously_smaller _ (?f → _) = Gt |- (?f → _) ≼ _ ] => destruct f; simpl in H; discriminate
| _ => idtac

Lemma obviously_smaller_compatible_LT φ ψ :
obviously_smaller φ ψ = Lt -> φ ≼ ψ.
intro H.
unfold obviously_smaller in H.
case decide in H.
- rewrite e. apply ExFalso.
- case decide in H.
+ contradict H; auto.
+ case decide in H.
* contradict H; auto.
* case decide in H.
-- rewrite e. apply top_provable.
-- case decide in H.
++ rewrite e; apply generalised_axiom.
++ contradict H; auto.

induction φ; destruct ψ; try (unfold obviously_smaller in H; try discriminate; eq_clean H e); bot_clean;
match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ≼ ?f =>
case_eq (obviously_smaller φ1 f); case_eq (obviously_smaller φ2 f); intros H0 H1;
simpl in H; rewrite H0 in H; rewrite H1 in H; try discriminate; induction_auto
| |- _ ∨ _ ≼ ?f =>
case_eq (obviously_smaller φ1 f); case_eq (obviously_smaller φ2 f); intros H0 H1;
simpl in H; rewrite H0 in H; rewrite H1 in H; try discriminate;
apply OrL; induction_auto
| _ => idtac
end; try (destruct φ1; try eq_clean H e; discriminate).

Lemma obviously_smaller_compatible_GT φ ψ :
obviously_smaller φ ψ = Gt -> ψ ≼ φ .
intro H.
unfold obviously_smaller in H.
case decide in H.
- contradict H; auto.
- case decide in H.
+ rewrite e. apply ExFalso.
+ case decide in H.
* rewrite e. apply top_provable.
* case decide in H.
-- contradict H; auto.
-- case decide in H; contradict H; auto.
induction φ; destruct ψ; try (unfold obviously_smaller in H; try discriminate; eq_clean H e); bot_clean;
match goal with
| |- ?f ≼ _ ∧ _ =>
case_eq (obviously_smaller φ1 f); case_eq (obviously_smaller φ2 f); intros H0 H1;
simpl in H; rewrite H0 in H; rewrite H1 in H; try discriminate; apply AndR; induction_auto
| |- ?f ≼ _∨ _ =>
case_eq (obviously_smaller φ1 f); case_eq (obviously_smaller φ2 f); intros H0 H1;
simpl in H; rewrite H0 in H; rewrite H1 in H; try discriminate; induction_auto
| _ => idtac
match goal with
| |- (_ → _) ≼ _ → _ => idtac
| |- (?f → _) ≼ _ => destruct f; discriminate
| |- (∅ • (?f → _)) ⊢ _ => destruct f; discriminate
| |- _ ≼ (?f → _) => destruct φ1; try discriminate; bot_clean
| _ => idtac
simpl in H; destruct ψ1; destruct φ1; try eq_clean H e; bot_clean; simpl in H; discriminate.

Lemma or_congruence φ ψ φ' ψ':
(φ ≼ φ') -> (ψ ≼ ψ') -> (φ ∨ ψ) ≼ φ' ∨ ψ'.
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