This vimrc aimes to collect some useful plugins for web developers working under UNIX and using PHP, C/C++, Lua, JavaScript, etc.
This is based on brooky-yen''s vimrc ( I adjust the bundle list for this vimrc to focus on web development, and share with my colleagues.
I also added the chinese help documentation of VIM 7.2, see by type :h
Author: hightman
The distribution is designed to work with Vim >= 7.2.
The distribution also requires ack, ctags, git, ruby and rake. I recommend using the GUI version of VIM (gvim on Linux and Windows, MacVim on OSX) for some plugin only support GUI version (e.g. Command-T). You can download MacVim here.
- vim-autoclose
- ack.vim
- vim-bufexplorer
- vim-easytag
- tagbar
- tagbar-phpctags
- nerdtree
- nerdcommenter.git
- YankRing.vim.git
- vim-fugitive
- vim-repeat
- vim-surround
- vim-eunuch
- vim-markdown
- vim-endwise
- xmledit.git
- vim-easymotion
- neocomplcache
- neosnippet
- OmniCppComplete
- syntastic
- vim-php-cs-fixer
- vim-php-namespace
- phpcomplete.vim
- php.vim
- PDV--phpDocumentor-for-Vim
vim-html5-fix- vim-haml
- vim-javascript
- vim-jquery
- php-search-doc
vim-jquery-doc- ctrlp.vim
clone this vimrc
git clone
Run the install script
sh vimrc/
Notice: This step may cost much longer time for configuring & install bundles.
Finished! Enjoy it :-)
Backup enabled, the BAK file is saved as
Swap file is moved to
Shourtcuts, the
key is;
Save & quit;q
Force to quit without saving;r
Replace the current word in all opened files;er
Open the error console;p
Toggles pastle mode with normal mode;g
Include guard for C source/header file;s
Clear search highlighting;b
Open the BufExplorer in current window+
Quickly adjust size of current splitted windowShift-W
Loop to switch splitted windowCtrl-J Ctrl-K
Move to below/above splitted window and maxmize itCtrl-H Ctrl-L
Move to left/right splitted window and maxmize it under normal mode- Double press
to open new tab Ctrl-T
to open the current tab:cd.
Change the working directory to that of the current fileCtrl-[
Jump/Back out of the tag stackF7
Toggle TagbarF3
Toggle NerdTree TabsF6
Manually Syntax check by syntastic pluginF2
Open yanking history;pm
Open online PHP_Manual, PHP_Function, JQuery_ManualCtrl-P
Invoke CtrlP to find files;ut
Update/Highlight tags by vim-easytags