create a launch file in the folder you are working from and then launch in new terminal
$ roslaunch [file] map_merge.launch
code as follows:
<!-- Map megring (know inital position case)-->
<group ns="/$(arg first_tb3)/map_merge">
<param name="init_pose_x" value="$(arg first_tb3_x_pos)"/>
<param name="init_pose_y" value="$(arg first_tb3_y_pos)"/>
<param name="init_pose_z" value="$(arg first_tb3_z_pos)"/>
<param name="init_pose_yaw" value="$(arg first_tb3_yaw)"/>
<group ns="/$(arg second_tb3)/map_merge">
<param name="init_pose_x" value="$(arg second_tb3_x_pos)"/>
<param name="init_pose_y" value="$(arg second_tb3_y_pos)"/>
<param name="init_pose_z" value="$(arg second_tb3_z_pos)"/>
<param name="init_pose_yaw" value="$(arg second_tb3_yaw)"/>
<group ns="/$(arg third_tb3)/map_merge">
<param name="init_pose_x" value="$(arg third_tb3_x_pos)"/>
<param name="init_pose_y" value="$(arg third_tb3_y_pos)"/>
<param name="init_pose_z" value="$(arg third_tb3_z_pos)"/>
<param name="init_pose_yaw" value="$(arg third_tb3_yaw)"/>
<!-- perform static transform publisher for three robots -->
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="world_to_$(arg first_tb3)_tf_broadcaster" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 /map /$(arg first_tb3)/map 100"/>
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="world_to_$(arg second_tb3)_tf_broadcaster" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 /map /$(arg second_tb3)/map 100"/>
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="world_to_$(arg third_tb3)_tf_broadcaster" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 /map /$(arg third_tb3)/map 100"/>
<!-- Launch the map_merge node along with transform publishers -->
<node pkg="multirobot_map_merge" type="map_merge" respawn="false" name="map_merge" output="screen">
<param name="robot_map_topic" value="map"/>
<param name="robot_namespace" value="tb3"/>
<param name="merged_map_topic" value="map"/>
<param name="world_frame" value="map"/>
<param name="known_init_poses" value="true"/>
<param name="merging_rate" value="4.0"/>
<param name="discovery_rate" value="0.1"/>
<param name="estimation_rate" value="0.2"/>
<!-- <param name="merging_rate" value="4.0"/> -->
<!-- <param name="discovery_rate" value="0.05"/>
<param name="estimation_rate" value="0.1"/> -->
<param name="estimation_confidence" value="1.0"/>
To run Rviz, add this into the launch file (the file used to declare launch base):
<node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz" args="-d $(find yourFolder)/rviz/multi_tb3_gmapping2.rviz"/>