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Running stolon under Kubernetes (Rancher)


  • a distributed backend KV store for storing cluster state - Consul
  • Helm Kubernetes package manager installed where you run kubectl


  • Depending on your cluster it might be practical to adjust the namespace you are installing stolon into. If you end up installing the KV store in a different namespace, the DNS name of that should change also (eg. consul-consul.namespace)
Volume provisioning

Dynamic provisioning can be achieved with the external-storage plugins but integration with Rancher 2.0 platform is not proven to be skimmed off, so let's use the fabric8 binary to bind PersistentVolumeClaims to PersistentVolumes.

Install onto you control box

`curl -sS | bash`
`export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.fabric8/bin`

Once installed

`gofabric8 volumes`

will create the volume which blocks bringing up our pods. The volume creation should be repeated manually over and over.


The default helm chart worked well for this setup, however the values.yaml can be tweaked for further requirements.

`helm install --name consul -f values.yaml stable/consul`

The non-helm install for Stolon worked better, please find the resources in the stolon dir. First we need a one-off cluster initialization

`kubectl run -i -t stolonctl --image=sorintlab/stolon:master-pg9.6 --restart=Never --rm -- /usr/local/bin/stolonctl --cluster-name=kube-stolon --store-backend=consul --store-endpoints=consul-consul:8500 init`

then install all the pieces

`kubectl apply -f rbac/`    
`kubectl apply -f components`


  • The resource files for the components expect to name your consul cluster consul. The internal kube DNS name will come from ${yourname}-${helmchartname}

  • The setup uses an example sorintlab/stolon:master-pg9.6, for production this should be exchanged depending the needs and built from scratch using the provided Dockerfile, then referenced by the stolon yaml resource files.

    make PGVERSION=9.6 TAG=stolon:v0.7.0-pg9.6

  • All keepers will need a PersistentVolume so repeat creation steps with fabric8

  • Usernames and passwords kept as default, secrets should be used for production environments.

  • consul-ui is available as a NodePort service


  • Postgres Cluster info:

    kubectl run -i -t stolonctl --image=sorintlab/stolon:master-pg9.6 --restart=Never --rm -- /usr/local/bin/stolonctl --cluster-name=kube-stolon --store-backend=consul --store-endpoints=consul-consul:8500 status

  • Get proxy service IP (on the node):

    PROXY_IP=$(kubectl describe svc stolon-proxy-service | grep IP: | awk '{print $2}') watch pg_isready -h $(PROXY_IP)

  • In another shell manual failover on the Master pod:

watch kubectl delete pods $(name_of_the_master_pod)

Other Notes

  • The architecture of stolon is designed to be resilient until the last postgres instance is up in the cluster.
  • It is running as a StatefulSet itself meaning there will be only once instance per node.
  • By default all connections go to master, but you can leverage the standby replicas for read only purposes by adding a service
  • To prevent data loss at the event of a failover, syncronous replication can be switched on. kubectl run -i -t stolonctl --image=sorintlab/stolon:master-pg9.6 --restart=Never --rm -- /usr/local/bin/stolonctl --cluster-name=kube-stolon --store-backend=consul --store-endpoints=consul-consul:8500 update --patch '{"syncronousReplication" : true }'


  • Running from a node a full backup is easily achieved with the following command (depends on your postgres version, also substitue the services local ip):

    docker run -e PGPASSWORD=replpassword -v /root/backup/data:/backup/data postgres:9.6.8 pg_basebackup -h $(PROXY_IP) -U repluser -D /backup/data

This uses the replication user (and pass) to pull the data to the /root/backup/data directory on the node

  • TODO: rewrite the backup command to a Kubernetes Job

  • TODO: instructions for WAL Archiving to Object Storage or File System `


HA Postgres setup with Stolon







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