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AWS Images

Anna Peery edited this page Apr 26, 2021 · 1 revision

To create an EC2 instance using a public gridlabd AMI, go to the new EC2 console and click on Launch instance.

Choose the "N. California" region.

In the Search for an AMI... field, enter gridlabd. Click on the results in the "Community AMIs" and select the GridLAB-D AMI you prefer.

Choose the instance type you want, and click Review and Launch.

Image Names

The naming scheme is as follows:

master Images

Image name Release date AMI id Remarks
hipas-gridlabd-4.2.1-200709-master/etc/beauharnois-08 2020-07-09 ami-02668081233b77fba Other linux, 64-bit, EBS

develop Images

Image name Release date AMI id Remarks
gridlabd/4.2.1-200515-develop/ec2-t2.micro/02 2020-05-15 ami-08b6bdcd64625ed34 Other linux, 64-bit, EBS

Building an image

You may launch an instance of your own branch using EC2 Launch Instance. This process is designed to work with Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type AMI. When you have a shell running, do the follow

[ec2-user@ip-<instance-ip-address> ~]$ sudo yum install git -q -y
You need to be root to perform this command.
[ec2-user@ip-<instance-ip-address> ~]$ sudo git clone -b <your-branch-name> /usr/local/src/gridlabd 
[ec2-user@ip-<instance-ip-address> ~]$ sudo /usr/local/src/gridlabd/ -v

Updating an image

Development images are not updated as often because they're relatively easy to update as needed.

  1. Launch the latest develop image.
  2. Login to the new instance.
  3. Enter the following:
ec2-user$ sudo bash
root# cd /usr/local/src/gridlabd
root# git pull
root# git checkout your-branch-name
root# make reconfigure && make system
root# gridlabd --validate

If you want to make a public AMI from the new instance, please use the above naming convention to identify it.

The components of the AMI name can be obtained using the command gridlabd --version=name and the description can be obtained using the comment gridlabd --version=all. Note that the AMI name uses a forward slash as the separator for the first component.