This will launch a full multi-user FEniCS Project environment for classrooms, courses and general fun using Jupyterhub, iPython Notebook and FEniCS. Each user has his own home directory.
This scripts are an adaptation of Jake Hale's project available from fenics-jupyter.
Here a list of instructions:
(One time only) Install docker. On Ubuntu one can simply enter the command
apt-get install
(One time only) Clone the hippylib-hub repository
git clone
Build the docker image (This step needs to be repeated each time
is updated)sudo docker build -t hippylib/hub .
Check that the image was created correctly with the command
sudo docker images
Start the server
sudo docker run -td -p 80:8000 --name=hippyhub hippylib/hub
Check that the server is up
sudo docker ps
Check messages from the server
sudo docker logs hippyhub
Stop ad delete the server (always stop the server before rebuilding the docker image)
sudo docker stop hippyhub & sudo docker rm hippyhub