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Follow the Getting Started Guide or look at the Sample to help setting up stripe-spring-boot-starter.



//skip this if you already have the stripe dependency in your project





There are 3 conditional methods that can be used to narrow the execution condition (Note: there is an internal class conditional that makes sure that the receiver only receives the defined generic type. You can override any of the following methods (by default they return true)

  • onCondition(event: Event)
    • It is recommended to use this conditional to check at least the event type
  • onReceive(stripeObject: Subscription)
    • *It is recommended to use this when your condition only needs values from the stripeObject for your business logic
  • onCondition(previousAttributes: Map<String, Any?>?)
    • It is recommended to use this conditional when your condition needs only values from the previousAttributes
  • onCondition(previousAttributes: Map<String, Any?>?, stripeObject: Subscription)
    • It is recommended to use this conditional when your condition needs a combination of the previousAttributes and the received stripeObject

Implementing a StripeEventReceiver looks like the following:

open class ExampleReceiver : StripeEventReceiver<Subscription>( {

    override fun onCondition(event: Event): Boolean {
        // conditional based stripe event
        return event.type == "customer.subscription.updated"

    override fun onCondition(stripeObject: Subscription): Boolean {
        // conditional based stripe object
        return true

    override fun onCondition(previousAttributes: Map<String, Any>): Boolean {
        // conditional based on previousAttributes
        return true

    override fun onCondition(previousAttributes: Map<String, Any>, stripeObject: Subscription): Boolean {
        // conditional based previousAttributes and stripe object
        return true

    override fun onReceive(stripeObject: Subscription) {
        // do something with the received object

The StripeEventReceiver generic needs to be subclass of a StripeObject

Accessing Snapshots

To access snapshot builds add the following to your gradle script

maven {
    url = uri("")
    credentials {
        username = "<GITHUB_USERNAME>"
        password = "<PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"

dependencies {
    implementation(group = "io.hndrs", name = "stripe-spring-boot-starter", version = "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT")

Your personal access token needs the read:packages scope (Download packages from GitHub Package Registry)