Converts image files into a single PDF using the PIL
python -m venv env
./env/Scripts/activate # or run "source ./env/bin/activate"
pip install -r requirements.txt # only the PIL package is needed
Run the script:
python [image_files] -o [output_pdf_name] -r [resolution]
Replace [image_files]
with the paths to the images (may including wildcards), [output_pdf_name]
with your desired path of the PDF file and [resolution]
with your desired image resolution (300 by default).
The script will create a new PDF file containing all specified image files, in the order as specified.
# Create a new PDF file named "temp/output.pdf" containing all images located
# in the "temp/images/" directory, using the file pattern "*.png".
python temp/images/*.png -o temp/output.pdf