metaSMT is a wrapper around various SMT or SMT-like solvers. This means you are able to program against this library and use any of the implemented solvers.
The implementation here is a slimmed-down version of original metaSMT (
- Preparations
- Install solver backends
- Configure metaSMT
- Build and test
You need: a C/C++ Compiler (tested: gcc or recent clang), make, cmake, wget, most of them you can install from your package manager.
If you want to use the SMT-LIB2 file backend, please ensure that you have installed the zlib and bzip2 development packages (*zlib1g-*dev, libbz2-dev on Debian-based systems). Otherwise boost will be build without iostreams and you will get linking errors. This is not required to use metaSMT in general.
metaSMT heavily relies on different dependencies (e.g. the different solving engines). For a succesfull build, a folder named 'dependencies' containing them is expected to be present in the metaSMT main folder. You can either freshly clone the repository from or symlink to an existing dependencies folder. The folder name 'dependencies' is fixed and cannot be changed.
script provided by metaSMT can automatically download and
install dependencies needed by metaSMT and setup a metaSMT build folder. You
may require subversion, or git to be installed.
Calling ./
without arguments will display a complete list of
options. It is recommended to call
./ --deps deps/ --free -m RELEASE build/
./ --deps deps/ --non-free -m RELEASE build/
to download and build all dependencies in the "deps" folder and configure a metaSMT build in the "build" folder. The source folder can be shared for different build folders. The parameters --free and --non-free select which set of backend tools to download and include in the build, you need to select which you want.
Please note that some free and non-free backends use licenses which are not compatible (e.g. Boolector: GPL, SWORD: Proprietary). Check the compatibility of the selected backends with your own projects license.
If your system does not provide a recent version of cmake, can
build a local version when provided with --cmake
An already configured build
folder can be build using
cd build
and installed (optional, only when used as external library) using
make install
If no install folder is given to by default metaSMT is installed to the build/root/ folder.
Please also note that metaSMT by default compiles an excessive test suite for
all available backends. After building it can be called with make test
Note that some Tests are expected to fail, e.g. due to timeouts, backend
restrictions or work in progress (new) functionality.
Building the test suite can take a lot of time. If you want to disable
building the tests you can pass -DmetaSMT_ENABLE_TESTS=off
to the bootstrap
script or call
cmake ./ -DmetaSMT_ENABLE_TESTS=off
in the build folder or by setting the option using ccmake .
cmake-gui .
To use metaSMT with your (already existing) project you need to tell cmake
that it should
be looking for metaSMT. To do so, edit the main CMakeLists.txt
file and add the line
find_package( metaSMT REQUIRED )
You still have to tell cmake
where to look for metaSMT by setting the variable
, either by
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/metaSMT/install
cmake [...]
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/metaSMT/install [...]
In addition to the examples, the API documentation is located in the doc/html/ folder. Simply open the doc/html/index.html file in your favorite browser. Note: The documentation is not yet complete. Only selected modules are currently documented.