- Share Note - MVVM Architecture
Share Note is a sample project that is allow users to save a note and retrieve notes in Google Firebase database. With some functions below:
- As a user (of the application) I can set my username.
- As a user I can save a short note on Firebase database.
- As a user I can see a list of my saved notes.
- As a user I can see all the notes from other users.
- Description
- Modern Architecture
- Single activity architecture using Navigation component
- ViewModel
- MVVM for presentation layer
- Jetpack Kotlin extensions
- Jetpack Compose for UI
- Material design
- Kotlin
- Coroutines and Flow for async operations
- Hilt for dependency injection
- Firebase Realtime Database for read and write data
- Jetpack . Compose . Navigation for navigation between composables . ViewModel that stores, exposes and manages UI state
Explain more
- View: Composable screens that consume state, apply effects and delegate events upstream.
- ViewModel: that manages and set the state of the corresponding screen. Additionally, it intercepts UI events as callbacks and produces side-effects. The ViewModel is scoped to the lifetime of the corresponding screen composable in the backstack.
- Model: Data source classes that retrieve content.
Two main components in the presentation layer
- State: contains the status of the respective screens.
- Effect: plain object that signals one-time side-effect actions that should impact the UI Every screen/flow defines its own contract class that states all corresponding core components described above: state content and effects.
Dependency Injection
- Most of the dependencies are injected with @Singleton scope
- For ViewModels, we use the out-of-the-box @HiltViewModel annotation that injects them with the scope of the navigation graph composables that represent the screens.
- The project uses an EntryPointActivity that defines a navigation graph where every screen is a composable.
- The EntryPointActivity also collects state objects and passes them together with the Effect flows to each Screen composable.
Time I perform functions
- Building structure: 4h
- Login screen: 2h
- Register account dialog: 2h
- My list notes: 2h
- All list notes: 2h
- Create note dialog: 2h