Shows the traceability matrix of 2 lists (query) of issues. If some relations exists between issues (either related_to, blocked_by, followed...) they will appear in the matrix. The macro uses custom queries to get the two lists of issues. The traceability matrix is available in wiki pages, accessible with 2 macros :
traceability_matrix_short : is a cross table
traceability_matrix_detailed : is a 2 column table, that put related issues side by side.
This plugin has been inspired by the Traceability plugin written by Emergya Consultoria.
The plugin has a configuration page, found under Administration/Plugins
After selecting link "Configure" the configuration page of the plugin will be shown
In the first field, you can configure options, which will always be added to the macro traceability_matrix_detailed call, so you won't have to specify the options in the wiki macro.
The second field is used to specify the date format of the "test run" column of the traceability_matrix_detailed macro (this column will be added with the -t option). As formatters are all symbols valid, which are used in the ruby time/date formatting.
The next three field specify the color, certain cells will be formatted with, if the macro traceability_matrix_detailed shows test cases. The colors could be specified as standard html color names.
The traceability_matrix_detailed has several options:
In the following there are some samples to demonstrate the impact of the available options :