- Prevent endless loop in recorder when using a filter and there are no more states to purge (@davinkevin - #126149) (recorder docs)
- Fix and bump apsystems-ez1 to 2.4.0 (@patman15 - #130740) (apsystems docs) (dependency)
- Fix file uploads in MQTT config flow not processed in executor (@jbouwh - #130746) (mqtt docs)
- Update twentemilieu to 2.1.0 (@frenck - #130752) (twentemilieu docs) (dependency)
- Fix unexpected stop of media playback via ffmpeg proxy for ESPhome devices (@mib1185 - #130788) (esphome docs)
- Bump homematicip to 1.1.3 (@hahn-th - #130824) (homematicip_cloud docs) (dependency)
- UPB integration: Change unique ID from int to string. (@gwww - #130832) (upb docs)
- Reolink fix dev/entity id migration (@starkillerOG - #130836) (reolink docs)
- Use default device sensors also for AirQ devices in Sensibo (@gjohansson-ST - #130841) (sensibo docs)
- Pass config_entry explicitly in rachio (@epenet - #130865) (rachio docs)
- Bump bluetooth-adapters to 0.20.2 (@bdraco - #130877) (bluetooth docs) (dependency)
- Fixed Small Inaccuracy in Description String for myUplink (@CharlesYuan02 - #130900) (myuplink docs)
- Unscape HTML Entities from RSS feeds (@skgsergio - #130915) (feedreader docs)
- Update elmax_api to v0.0.6.1 (@ElmaxSrl - #130917) (elmax docs) (dependency)
- Bump aioairq to 0.4.3 (@Sibgatulin - #130963) (airq docs) (dependency)
- Strip whitespaces from host in ping config flow (@jpbede - #130970) (ping docs)
- Add more UI user-friendly description to six Supervisor actions (@NoRi2909 - #130971) (hassio docs)
- Add missing catholic category in workday (@gjohansson-ST - #130983) (workday docs)
- Bump holidays to 0.61 (@gjohansson-ST - #130984) (workday docs) (holiday docs) (dependency)
- Bump aioairzone to 0.9.6 (@Noltari - #130559) (airzone docs) (dependency)
- Update aioairzone to v0.9.7 (@Noltari - #131033) (airzone docs) (dependency)
- Replace "service" with "action" in zha:reconfigure_device (@NoRi2909 - #131111) (zha docs)
- Fix typo in name of "Alarm arm home instant" action (@NoRi2909 - #131151) (elkm1 docs)
- Fix cast translation string (@NoRi2909 - #131156) (cast docs)
- Fix typo in ESPHome repair text (@jesserockz - #131200) (esphome docs)
- Reolink log fast poll errors once (@starkillerOG - #131203) (reolink docs)
- Fix fibaro cover state is not always correct (@rappenze - #131206) (fibaro docs)
- Bump reolink_aio to 0.11.2 (@starkillerOG - #131237) (reolink docs) (dependency)