This is a community driven ESPHome based code repository based on my YouTube series on ESPHome modularisation, "Coding Practices, Tips and Tricks"
The scripts can de found here, you can clone or copy it as is and put it in your ESPHOME folder on your server of choice, have fun.
To to learn more about the project, you can find the tutorials below:
Please read the licence, the TL;DR is you are welcome to use these scripts for any type of personal or commercial use, read more here Creative Commons Legal Code - CC0 1.0 Universal
Should you feel like contributing, you are welcome to do so and you will be added as a contributor on the project.
I just ask that you follow these gidelines:
- You need to follow the standards I have in the tutorial series.
- You have tested the scripts you are adding and you are sure it works, you will have to sign it off.
- Your files have the header shown in the tutorials, samples found here.
- All files are filed in their respective directories.
- The repository owner has the final word on what to merge.
These terms can and may change at a moment's notice, except for the licence.