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Elliot Jordan edited this page Nov 30, 2020 · 3 revisions

You can download the latest version of the app here.

  1. When you first launch the app, you'll be prompted to select the following:

    • Desired recipe identifier prefix (often com.github.<your_github_username>)
    • Types of recipes you wish to build (if you're not sure, start with download and pkg until you get familiar)
    • Where you wish to save the created recipes (~/Library/AutoPkg/Recipe Robot Output by default)

    Then click Good to Go.

  2. Now you're ready to build some recipes! Drag in an app that you want to create recipes for.

  3. You'll see some activity while Recipe Robot processes the app. If no errors are encountered, click Reveal Recipes to see the finished product.

Here's what the whole process looks like:

Demo of Recipe Robot app