A simple Discord bot written in Python, which speaks like my cat and also provides random boba drink recommendations.
- A Discord Bot - you can create one for free through the developer portal by creating a new application
- A Discord Server which you are an admin of
- python3
- virtualenv
- (optional) A Google Cloud VM instance to host the bot on
├── bot.py -> main entrypoint for the bot
├── lib/ -> contains additional files to support commands
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── teatime.cfg -> Context Free Grammar (CFG) file to define potential boba drinks
│ ├── cfg.py -> defines classes for defining a CFG
│ ├── random_cfg_deriver.py -> contains logic to randomly derive a string from the cfg
├── requirements.txt -> list of dependencies
├── README.md
├── sample.jpg -> sample of what the bot looks like in Discord
└── .gitignore
- SSH into your VM instance
- Install tmux or a terminal multiplexer of your choice
- Clone this repository and follow the rest of the instructions to set up
- Ensure to run the last step (python bot.py) while you are in a terminal multiplexer session
python3 -m venv /path/to/venv
source /path/to/venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
The .env file should contain your guild ID and your super secret Discord bot token.
.env has already been added to the .gitignore file in this repo.
Ensure your bot has the "Send Messages" text permission enabled when you invite it to your server.
If you don't have a Discord bot yet, follow their instructions here up until you complete the "Installing your App" section.
python bot.py