Release notes - hops - Version
- [HOPS-109] - Quota management of Small Files
- [HOPS-136] - Container logging does handle lost containers
- [HOPS-137] - Quota is not recorded appropriately for small files which result in negative quota when deleting files/directories
- [HOPS-140] - garbage container logs and checkpoint remaining int the database
- [HOPS-143] - Quota multiplicator fixed period does not behave according to specification
- [HOPS-150] - Test code was commited by accident and block from having more than one gpu
- [HOPS-152] - app get stuck in NEW_SAVING when user name too long
- [HOPS-155] - Store small files on the datanodes if the database disk tables are full.
- [HOPS-157] - Nullpointer and Index out of bound since HOPS-152
New Feature
- [HOPS-141] - Monitor and control CertificateLocalizationService via JMX
- [HOPS-147] - Reloadable key store manager
- [HOPS-131] - Base price should be different for GPU resource and for General resources
- [HOPS-133] - Remove deploy-server.sh from hops-metadata-dal-impl-ndb and hops-gpu-management-impl-nvidia
- [HOPS-138] - Increase detail of log output for processed block report
- [HOPS-139] - Add another method for ContentSummary to return the results directly from inodes_attributes in quote enabled directories
- [HOPS-144] - Disabled uber pricing
- [HOPS-149] - Add app IDs in project daily cost
- [HOPS-151] - App's GPU usage in Yarn UI
- [HOPS-153] - [hops-hadoop-chef] Secure webhdfs REST API
- [HOPS-158] - Refactor HopsSSLSocketFactory and add check for Environment Variable set with crypto material