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simplify infer_based_on_annotations
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Now we invoke the infer function after the type environemnt has been modified
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KenSakayori committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent 07c6852 commit 2f6315f
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 96 deletions.
98 changes: 2 additions & 96 deletions lib/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -460,104 +460,10 @@ let infer_based_on_annotations hes (env: Rtype.t IdMap.t) top file =

print_env env;

let hes = (fun x ->
let open Rhflz in
{x with body=Rhflz.translate_if x.body}) hes
let hes = List.filter (fun x -> <> annotation.annotated_func && List.exists (fun s -> s = annotation.dependencies_toplevel) hes in
print_hes hes;
let call_solver_with_timer hes solver =
add_mesure_time "CHC Solver" @@ fun () ->
Chc_solver.check_sat hes solver
let check_feasibility chcs =
(* 1. generate constraints by using predicates for tracking cex *)
let p = Chc_solver.get_unsat_proof chcs `Eldarica in
let open Disprove in
match disprove p hes env top with
| `Invalid -> `Unsat
| `Unknown -> `Unknown
(* CHC Size is 1, then it is tractable *)
(* size: intersection type size *)
let rec try_intersection_type chcs size =
if sat then return Valid
if unsat then returns check_feasibility
match call_solver_with_timer chcs (Chc_solver.selected_solver 1) with
| `Unsat when !Rethfl_options.Typing.no_disprove -> `Unknown
| `Unsat -> check_feasibility chcs
| `Sat(x) -> `Sat(x)
| `Fail -> `Fail
| `Unknown -> `Unknown
and infer_main ?(size=1) hes env top =
(* 1. generate constraints *)
print_hes hes;
let top_pred: Rtype.template = get_top @@ Rethfl_syntax.Id.(top.ty) in
let constraints = infer_hes hes env [{head=RTemplate(top_pred); body=RTrue}] in
(*print_constraints constraints;*)
(* 2. optimize CHC (ECHC) *)
let constraints = (fun chc ->
{chc with head=translate_if chc.head}
) constraints in

let simplified = simplify constraints in
let size = dnf_size simplified in
Printf.printf "[Size] %d\n" size;

if size > 1 then begin
(* この辺使ってなさそう、size<=1っぽい *)
let dual = Chc.dual constraints in
let simplified_dual = simplify dual in
let size_dual = dnf_size simplified_dual in
Printf.printf "[Dual Size] %d\n" size_dual;
let min_size = if size < size_dual then size else size_dual in
let target = if size < size_dual then simplified else simplified_dual in
let use_dual = size >= size_dual in

let target' = expand target in
print_string "remove or or\n";
print_constraints target';
(* 3. check satisfiability *)
(* match call_solver_with_timer target' (Chc_solver.selected_solver 1) with
| `Sat(x) -> `Sat(x)
| `Fail -> failwith "hoge"
| _ ->
begin *)
if min_size > 1 then (print_string "[Warning]Some definite clause has or-head\n";flush stdout)
else (print_string "easy\n"; flush stdout);
if min_size > 1 then
(* if size > 1 /\ dual_size > 1 *)
use_dual, call_solver_with_timer target Chc_solver.(`Fptprove)
use_dual, try_intersection_type target min_size
(* end *)
end else (* if size <= 1 *)
false, try_intersection_type simplified size
let (is_dual_chc, x) = infer_main hes env top in
report_times ();
match x with
| `Sat(x) ->
(* Note: --show-refinement つけないと実行されません *)
match x with
| Ok(x) ->
(* print_refinements x; *)
let open Rethfl_options in
let hes = print_derived_refinement_type is_dual_chc hes x in
if !Typing.show_refinement then
print_hes hes
| Error(s) -> Printf.printf "%s\n" s
| `Unsat -> `Unsat
| `Fail -> `Fail
| `Unknown -> `Unknown
infer hes env top

let check_annotation hes env top file =
let annotation = annotation_of file hes in
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