This item is used for word spell checking.
Support English word spelling detection, and Chinese spelling detection.
You can quickly determine whether the current word is spelled incorrectly
Can return the best match result
You can return to the corrected matching list, support specifying the size of the returned list
Error message support i18n
Support uppercase and lowercase, full-width and half-width formatting
Support custom thesaurus
Jdk 1.7+
compile group:'com.github.houbb', name:'word-checker', version: '0.0.7'
According to the input, the best correction result is automatically returned.
final String speling = "speling";
Assert.assertEquals("spelling", EnWordCheckers.correct(speling));
The core api is under the EnWordCheckers
tool class.
Function | Method | Parameters | Return Value | Remarks |
Determine whether the spelling of the word is correct | isCorrect(string) | The word to be detected | boolean | |
Return the best corrected result | correct(string) | The word to be detected | String | If no word that can be corrected is found, then return itself |
Determine whether the spelling of the word is correct | correctList(string) | The word to be detected | List | Return a list of all matching corrections |
Determine whether the spelling of the word is correct | correctList(string, int limit) | The word to be detected, the size of the returned list | Return the corrected list of the specified size | List size <= limit |
final String hello = "hello";
final String speling = "speling";
final String hello = "hello";
final String speling = "speling";
Assert.assertEquals("hello", EnWordCheckers.correct(hello));
Assert.assertEquals("spelling", EnWordCheckers.correct(speling));
final String word = "goo";
List<String> stringList = EnWordCheckers.correctList(word);
Assert.assertEquals("[go, good, too, god, got, oo, goot, foo]", stringList.toString());
final String word = "goo";
final int limit = 2;
List<String> stringList = EnWordCheckers.correctList(word, limit);
Assert.assertEquals("[go, good]", stringList.toString());
In order to reduce learning costs, the core api and ZhWordCheckers
are consistent with English spelling detection.
final String right = "正确";
final String error = "万变不离其中";
final String right = "正确";
final String error = "万变不离其中";
Assert.assertEquals("正确", ZhWordCheckers.correct(right));
Assert.assertEquals("万变不离其宗", ZhWordCheckers.correct(error));
final String word = "万变不离其中";
List<String> stringList = ZhWordCheckers.correctList(word);
Assert.assertEquals("[万变不离其宗]", stringList.toString());
final String word = "万变不离其中";
final int limit = 1;
List<String> stringList = ZhWordCheckers.correctList(word, limit);
Assert.assertEquals("[万变不离其宗]", stringList.toString());
Sometimes the user's input is various, this tool supports the processing of formatting.
Uppercase will be uniformly formatted as lowercase.
final String word = "stRing";
Full-width will be uniformly formatted as half-width.
final String word = "string";
You can create the file resources/data/define_word_checker_en.txt
in the project resource directory
The content is as follows:
Different words are on their own lines.
The first column of each row represents the word, and the second column represents the number of occurrences, separated by a comma ,
The greater the number of times, the higher the return priority when correcting. The default value is 1.
User-defined thesaurus has a higher priority than the built-in thesaurus of the system.
After we specify the corresponding word, the spelling check will take effect.
final String word = "my-long-long-define-word";
final String word2 = "my-long-long-define-word-two";
You can create the file resources/data/define_word_checker_zh.txt
in the project resource directory
The content is as follows:
默守成规 墨守成规
Use English spaces to separate, the front is wrong, and the back is correct.
Support English word segmentation and process the entire English sentence
Support Chinese word segmentation spelling detection
Introduce Chinese error correction algorithm, homophone characters and similar characters processing.
Support Chinese and English mixed spelling detection
Words provides raw English word data.