A proxy server. WIP
To run or build the code you must first run
$ mix deps.get
$ mix run --no-halt
will start the proxy server.
The server can be accessed at localhost:8080
To create a release use:
$ mix release
To create a production release use:
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release
You'll then be able to package up the release folder or run the executable rel/proxy/bin/proxy
You can dynamically block particular hosts using the console. First create a release as described above. Then start up the proxy. If you want it to run in the background use
$ rel/proxy/bin/proxy start
If you want to see the logs use the following instead:
$ rel/proxy/bin/proxy foreground
You can then start up a management console with
$ rel/proxy/bin/proxy remote_console
In the console you can call functions such as
Proxy.BlockList.block "google.com"
Proxy.BlockList.unblock "google.com"
To save typing fully qualified function names enter import Proxy.BlockList
Now you can use block
etc. without typing the module name.
All future requests to hosts specified will be blocked