Real BI is a tool used to connect to HPCC and create visualizations from the data stored in the clusters. The visualizations can be powered by the output from ROXIE queries, logical files, or custom executed ECL scripts.
This project is utilizing npm packages, to install project you will need Node and NPM installed on your machine.
To check if you already have Node installed run command in the terminal node -v
for NPM run npm -v
- Run
git clone
to copy the project into your computer. - You will need to intall dependencies for a project. While in a root folder run command
npm install
, it will install npm packages in root as well as/api
folders. - In the root folder, rename the .env.example file to .env and fill in the empty values. You can find an explanation inside .env.example .
- In
rename the .env.example file to .env.development and fill in the empty values. You can find explanation inside .env.example . - Create schema in your local MySQL database with same name as DB_NAME variable in .env file. By default
. - Go to
and runnpx sequelize db:migrate
to build database tables. - Add a cluster to the seed file in order to create a dashboard. The cluster should be publicly available. A sample seed file is provided api\src\seeders\cluster-example.js.
- Go to
and runnpx sequelize db:seed:all
to populate the database with seed cluster. - Navigate to the root folder and run
npm start
it will start the server and client application at the same time. - Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to start using an application.
- Run
git clone
- In the .env file:
- Change the
value to "production". - Change the database information to point to your production database.
- Change the
- Rename the .env.example file to .env and fill in the empty values.You can find explanation inside .env.example .
- To use SSL certificates add cert and key files to
. - Update file
to match cert and key file names. - Run
docker-compose up --build -d
to create and run the containers.
To generate an SSL certificate we use Certbot Docker image, to learn more please visit
Learn more about Letsencrypt
Good article (guide) on how to use NGINX with Certbot in Docker
- Add Certbot container to your
container_name: certbot
- .env
- realbi_network
- nginx
image: certbot/certbot:latest
command: certonly --webroot --webroot-path=<Path to acme challenge inside container> --email <Your email> --agree-tos --no-eff-email -d <Your domain>
- <Path to certs on local machine>:<Path to certs inside container>
- <Path to acme-challenge on local machine>:<Path to acme-challenge inside container>
- Add a shared volume to your Nginx container (volume should be the same for Certbot container)
- <Path to certs on local machine>:<Path to certs inside container>
- <Path to acme challenge on local machine>:<Path to acme challenge inside container>
- Go to
and update the config to run without SSL first by commenting out SSL related settings
server {
# listen $EXTERNAL_HTTPS_PORT ssl;
server_name $HOST_HOSTNAME;
# ssl_certificate <Path to cert>;
# ssl_certificate_key <Path to key>;
- In
define new location for acme challenge
location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
root <Path to acme challenge inside container>;
Make sure that port 80 is open and the app is reachable over the internet.
Stop and remove the old Nginx container, then run
docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build nginx certbot
- Nginx will be listening and serving acme-challenge from a shared volume with Certbot container.
To ensure that certbot succeeds, check
docker logs certbot
- Update Nginx configuration to run with a new certificate. Go to
and update SSL path, ex.
server {
server_name $HOST_HOSTNAME;
ssl_certificate <Path to certs inside container>/live/<Your domain>/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key <Path to certs inside container>/live/<Your domain>/privkey.pem;
- Rebuild Nginx container
docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build nginx
- This application relies on:
- A running instance of Auth Service to handle user authentication and JWT generation.
- Application can use Microsoft Active Directory for authentication and authorization
- An HPCC cluster containing data files.
- This application uses docker-compose to simultaneously start multiple containers:
- MySQL Database
- Backend Node.js API Server
- Frontend React.js Web UI
- Nginx Proxy Web Server