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Bootstrap design document; method 1 for non parametric bootstrap added
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miranta-antoniou-roche committed Aug 21, 2023
1 parent 41b37f8 commit b842cf0
Showing 1 changed file with 202 additions and 0 deletions.
202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions design/Bootstrap_design.Rmd
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title: "Bootstrap design"
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# Method 1

## Steps
- Create bootstrap_HR() function to get the bootstrap weighted hazard ratios.
- The bootstrap weighted hazard ratios will then be used as an input of the standard boot() function in order to obtain the
bootstrap confidence interval of the weighted HR.
- The boot() function will be included in the maic_tte_unanchor() function of the maic_tte_unanchored.R file so that we can get
the results of all the different approaches (i.e., sandwich estimator, non-parametric bootstrap, posson approximation) for the unanchored cases
of time to event endpoints.
- Add additional input parameter in the maic_tte_unanchor() function to meet the requirements for the boot() function
- Report bootstrap results

## Bootstrapping for MAIC weighted hazard ratios

The bootstrap_HR() function will be created to get the bootstrap weighted hazard ratios.
This function will include the following input parameters:

- *intervention_data:* A data frame containing individual patient data from the internal IPD study including
columns (treatment, time, status, centered baseline characteristics)
- *centered_colnames:* A character vector giving the names of the covariates to use in matching.
These names must match the column names in intervention_data.
- *i:* Index used to select a sample within the boot() function.
- *model:* A model formula in the form 'Surv(time, status == 1) ~ treatment '.
Variable names need to match the corresponding columns in intervention_data.
- *comparator_data:* A data frame containing pseudo individual patient data
from the comparator study needed to derive the relative treatment effect
including columns (time, event, weight=1, scaled_weight=1).
The outcome variables names must match intervention_data.
- *min_weight:* A numeric value that defines the minimum weight allowed.
This value (default 0.0001) will replace weights estimated at 0 in a sample.
- *trt_ext:* A character giving the name of the comparator treatment to be used as reference

Note: The bootstrap_HR() is intended to be used in conjunction with the boot() function to return the statistic
to be bootstrapped. In this case by performing MAIC weighting using estimate_weights() function and returning a
weighted hazard ratio (HR) from a Cox proportional hazards model. This is used as the 'statistic' argument in
the boot function.

From the bootstrap_HR() function we will export the HR as a numeric value.

### Example code

```{r}`r ''`
bootstrap_HR <- function(intervention_data, centered_colnames, i, model, comparator_data, min_weight = 0.0001, trt_ext) {
# create a visible binding for R CMD check
wt <- NULL

# Samples the data
bootstrap_data <- intervention_data[i, ]

# Estimates weights
perform_wt <- estimate_weights(data = bootstrap_data, centered_colnames = centered_colnames)

# Give comparator data weights of 1
comparator_data_wts <- comparator_data %>% dplyr::mutate(weights = 1, scaled_weights = 1)

# Add the comparator data
combined_data <- dplyr::bind_rows(perform_wt$data, comparator_data_wts)
combined_data$treatment <- stats::relevel(as.factor(combined_data$treatment), ref = trt_ext)

# set weights that are below min_weight to min_weight to avoid issues with 0 values
combined_data$wt <- ifelse(combined_data$weights < min_weight, min_weight, combined_data$weights)

# survival data stat
cox_model <- survival::coxph(model, data = combined_data, weights = wt)
HR <- exp(cox_model$coefficients)

## Bootstrap the confidence interval of the weighted HR
The boot() function will include the following in the same format as defined in the bootstrap_HR() function:
- Intervention data
- The statistic to be bootsrapped; i.e. bootstap_HR
- Number of bootstrap sampes
- Comparator pseudo data
- Matching variables
- Model to fit
### Example code
```{r}`r ''`
HR_bootstraps <- boot(
data = dat_centered, # intervention data
statistic = bootstrap_HR, # bootstrap the HR
R = 1000, # number of bootstrap samples
comparator_data = dat_ext, # comparator pseudo data
centered_colnames = grep("_CENTERED$", names(dat_centered)), # matching variables
model = Surv(time, status == 1) ~ treatment # model to fit

## Additional input parameter in the maic_tte_unanchor() function

In the maic_tte_unanchor() function of the maic_tte_unanchored.R file we need to add an additional input parameter as this function will
use the boot() function. Specifically, the dat_centered which is the intervention data as defined in the bootstrap_HR() function will be added.

## Reporting bootstrap results

Report the following:

- Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram
- Median of the bootstrap samples
- Percentile CIs (This method takes the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles)
- Bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) CI (This method attempts to correct for any bias and skewness in the distribution of bootstrap estimates)

Add section 'Report 4: Bootstrapping' in the maic_tte_unanchor() function of the maic_tte_unanchored.R file

### Example code

```{r}`r ''`

# ==> Report 4: Bootstrapping

## Bootstrapping diagnostics
# Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram
# Vertical lines indicate the median and upper and lower CIs
`hist(HR_bootstraps$t, main = "", xlab = "Boostrapped HR")
abline(v = quantile(HR_bootstraps$t, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)), lty = 2)

# Median of the bootstrap samples
HR_median <- median(HR_bootstraps$t)

# Bootstrap CI - Percentile CI
boot_ci_HR <- = HR_bootstraps, index = 1, type = "perc")

# Bootstrap CI - BCa CI
boot_ci_HR_BCA <- = HR_bootstraps, index = 1, type = "bca")

res[["boot_hist"]] <- grDevices::recordPlot()
res[["HR_median"]] <- HR_median
res[["boot_ci_HR"]] <- boot_ci_HR
res[["boot_ci_HR_BCA"]] <- boot_ci_HR_BCA`

# Method 2
Mike to complete.

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