A set of shiny demos for teaching statistical modelling
The packages required by each app are as follows:
linreg : RColorBrewer, scales, ISwR, MASS, shinytools, shiny
linreg3 : MASS, shiny
poisreg : RColorBrewer, scales, shinytools, shiny
All packages are available on CRAN apart from shinytools
which is part of this repository. The following code will install all required packages:
required <- c("RColorBrewer", "scales", "ISwR", "MASS", "devtools", "shiny")
notInstalled <- required[!(required %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
install_github("hturner/shiny-demos", subdir = "shinytools")
Once the required packages are installed you can run the apps directly from GitHub, e.g.
runGitHub("shiny-demos", username = "hturner", subdir = "linreg/")
Alternatively you can download the source files and use runApp
from the shiny