Bottom Up Rewrite Generator
The bottom-up tree pattern matching is a classic technique used in code generator generator. Many papers and books have decribed it, here are some of them:
Code generation using tree matching and dynamic programming [Aho, A. V. et al]
Optimal code generation for expression trees [Aho, A. V., Johnson, S. C.]
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools [Aho, A.V., Sethi, R., Ullman, J. D.]
Efficient retargetable code generation using bottom-up tree pattern matching [Balachandran, A. et al]
An improvement to bottom-up tree pattern matching [Chase, D. R.]
BURG: Fast optimal instruction selection and tree pasring [Fraser, C. W. et al]
Engineering a simple, efficient code-generator generator [Fraser, C. W. et al]
Pattern matching in trees [Hoffman, C. M. et al]
Simple and efficient BURS table generation [Proebsting, T. A.]
iburg [Dave Hanson]
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