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[NeurIPS 2020 Spotlight] State-adversarial PPO for robust deep reinforcement learning

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SA-PPO: State-adversarial PPO for robust deep reinforcement learning

This repository contains a reference implementation for State-Adversarial Proximal Policy Optimization (SA-PPO). SA-PPO includes a theoretically principled robust KL regularization term based on SA-MDP to obtain a PPO agent that is robust to noises on state observations, including adversarial perturbations. See our paper for more details:

Huan Zhang*, Hongge Chen*, Chaowei Xiao, Bo Li, Duane Boning, and Cho-Jui Hsieh, "Robust Deep Reinforcement Learning against Adversarial Perturbations on State Observations".
NeurIPS 2020 (Spotlight) (*Equal contribution)

Please also checkout our new work on optimal adversary and the alternating training of learned adversary and agent (ATLA) framework for training a more robust RL agent which achieves better robustness than SA-PPO (code is available in the ATLA_Robust_RL repository):

Huan Zhang*, Hongge Chen*, Duane Boning, and Cho-Jui Hsieh, "Robust Reinforcement Learning on State Observations with Learned Optimal Adversary" (*Equal contribution)
ICLR 2020 (Code)

Our code is based on a carefully implemented PPO baseline: MadryLab/implementation-matters. The code also uses the auto_lirpa library for computing convex relaxations of neural networks, which provides a wide of range of possibilities for the convex relaxation based method, including forward and backward mode bound analysis (CROWN), and interval bound propagation (IBP).

If you are looking for robust off-policy actor-critic algorithms, please see our SA-DDPG repository. If you are looking for robust DQN (e.g., agents for Atari games) please see our SA-DQN repository.


Adversarial attacks on state observations (e.g., position and velocity measurements) can easily make an agent fail. Our SA-PPO agents are robust against adversarial attacks, including our strong Robust Sarsa attack.

humanoid_vanilla_ppo_attack_615.gif humanoid_sappo_attack_6042.gif walker_vanilla_ppo_attack_620.gif walker_sappo_attack_5044.gif
Humanoid Vanilla PPO
reward under attack: 615
Humanoid SA-PPO
reward under attack: 6042
Walker2d Vanilla PPO
reward under attack: 620
Walker2d SA-PPO
reward under attack: 5044


First clone this repository and install necessary Python packages:

git submodule update --init
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src

Python 3.7+ is required. Note that you need to install MuJoCo 1.5 first to use the Gym environments. See here for instructions.

Pretrained agents

The pretrained agents are packed as .model files in the models/median-models folder. We repeatedly train each agent configuration at least 15 times, and rank them with their average cumulative rewards over 50 episodes under the strongest attack (among 5 attacks used). In our paper and the table below, we report performance for the median agents:

Environment Evaluation Vanilla PPO SA-PPO (convex) SA-PPO (SGLD)
Humanoid-v2 No attack 5270.6 6400.6 6624.0
Strongest attack 884.1 4690.3 6073.8
Walker2d-v2 No attack 4619.5 4486.6 4911.8
Strongest attack 913.7 2076.1 2468.4
Hopper-v2 No attack 3167.6 3704.1 3523.1
Strongest attack 733 1224.2 1403.3

Note that reinforcement learning algorithms typically have large variance across training runs. We report the agents with median rewards under attacks across over multiple training runs. We do not report the best agents which can be sometimes significantly better than the median, however we do include these agents in models/best-models. For a fair comparison to our method it is important to train each environment multiple times and show a distribution or median of results, like the box plots in our paper.

The pretrained agents can be evaluated using (see the next sections for more usage details). For example,

# Walker2D agents: vanilla PPO, SA-PPO (convex) and SA-PPO (SGLD)
python --config-path config_walker_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/median-models/model-ppo-walker-median.model --deterministic
python --config-path config_walker_robust_ppo_convex.json --load-model models/median-models/model-sappo-convex-walker-median.model --deterministic
python --config-path config_walker_robust_ppo_sgld.json --load-model models/median-models/model-sappo-sgld-walker-median.model --deterministic
# Hopper agents
python --config-path config_hopper_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/median-models/model-ppo-hopper-median.model --deterministic
python --config-path config_hopper_robust_ppo_convex.json --load-model models/median-models/model-sappo-convex-hopper-median.model --deterministic
python --config-path config_hopper_robust_ppo_sgld.json --load-model models/median-models/model-sappo-sgld-hopper-median.model --deterministic
# Humanoid agents
python --config-path config_humanoid_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/median-models/model-ppo-humanoid-median.model --deterministic
python --config-path config_humanoid_robust_ppo_convex.json --load-model models/median-models/model-sappo-convex-humanoid-median.model --deterministic
python --config-path config_humanoid_robust_ppo_sgld.json --load-model models/median-models/model-sappo-sgld-humanoid-median.model --deterministic

Agent Training

To train a agent, use in src folder and specify a configuration file path. All training hyperparameters are specified in a json configuration file. Note that for PPO and SA-PPO we use the same set of hyperparameters, and these hyperparameters are fine-tuned by Engstrom et al. on PPO rather than SA-PPO (the only exception is Humanoid, where we found their hyperparameters were non-optimal so we conducted hyperparameter search for vanilla PPO). For SA-PPO, we only change one additional parameter (the regularizer, which can be set via --robust_ppo_reg).

Several configuration files are provided in the src folder, with filenames starting with config. For example:

Humanoid vanilla PPO training:

python --config-path config_humanoid_vanilla_ppo.json

Humanoid SA-PPO training (solved using SGLD):

python --config-path config_humanoid_robust_ppo_sgld.json

Humanoid SA-PPO training (solved using convex relaxations):

python --config-path config_humanoid_robust_ppo_convex.json

Change humanoid to walker or hopper to run other environments.

Training results will be saved to a directory specified by the out_dir parameter in the json file. For example, for SA-PPO training using SGLD it is robust_ppo_sgld_humanoid_best/agents. To allow multiple runs, each experiment is assigned a unique experiment ID (e.g., 2fd2da2c-fce2-4667-abd5-274b5579043a), which is saved as a folder under out_dir (e.g., robust_ppo_sgld_humanoid_best/agents/2fd2da2c-fce2-4667-abd5-274b5579043a).

Then the agent can be evaluated using For example:

# Change the --exp-id to match the folder name in robust_ppo_sgld_humanoid/agents/
python --config-path config_humanoid_robust_ppo_sgld.json --exp-id YOUR_EXP_ID --deterministic

You should expect a cumulative reward (mean over 50 episodes) over 6000.

Tips on training. All robust training related hyperparameters start with --robust-ppo and can be found in configuration files or overridden in command line. Generally, assuming you start with a set of good parameters for vanilla PPO, and a known perturbation epsilon (set via --robust-ppo-eps), for SA-PPO you don't need to change anything except the --robust-ppo-reg parameter. Using a larger --robust-ppo-reg leads to a agent more robust to strong attacks, but it may reduce agent performance. Our released pretrained agents seek for a balance between natural performance and adversarial performance rather than providing for an absolutely robust yet low performance agent.

We use the auto_lirpa library which provides a wide of range of possibilities for the convex relaxation based method, including forward and backward mode bound analysis, and interval bound propagation (IBP). In our paper, we only used the IBP+backward scheme, which is efficient and stable, and we did not report results using other possible relaxations as this is not our main focus. If you are interested in trying other relaxation schemes, e.g., if you want to use the cheapest IBP methods (at the cost of potential stability issue), you can try this:

# The below training should run faster per epoch than original due to the use of cheaper relaxations.
# However, you probably need to train more epochs to compensate the instability of IBP.
python --config-path config_walker_robust_ppo_convex.json --robust-ppo-beta-scheduler-opts "start=0,length=1"

Agent Evaluation Under Attacks

We implemented random attack, critic based attack and our proposed Robust Sarsa (RS) and maximal action difference (MAD) attacks. On PPO, our proposed Robust Sarsa (RS) attack typically performs best.

Robust Sarsa (RS) Attack

In our Robust Sarsa attack, we first learn a robust value function for the policy under evaluation. Then, we attack the policy using this robust value function. The first step for RS attack is to train a robust value function:

# Step 1:
python --config-path config_humanoid_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/median-models/model-ppo-humanoid-median.model --sarsa-enable --sarsa-model-path sarsa_humanoid_vanilla.model

The above training step is usually very fast (e.g., a few minutes). The value function will be saved in sarsa_humanoid_vanilla.model. Then it can be used for attack:

# Step 2:
python --config-path config_humanoid_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/median-models/model-ppo-humanoid-median.model --attack-eps=0.075 --attack-method sarsa --attack-sarsa-network sarsa_humanoid_vanilla.model --deterministic

The reported mean reward over 50 episodes should be around 1000 (reward without attack is over 5000). In contrast, our SA-PPO robust agent has a reward of over 4000 even under attack:

python --config-path config_humanoid_robust_ppo_convex.json --load-model models/median-models/model-sappo-convex-humanoid-median.model --sarsa-enable --sarsa-model-path sarsa_humanoid_convex.model
python --config-path config_humanoid_robust_ppo_convex.json --load-model models/median-models/model-sappo-convex-humanoid-median.model --attack-eps=0.075 --attack-method sarsa --attack-sarsa-network sarsa_humanoid_convex.model --deterministic

The Robust Sarsa attack has two hyperparameters for robustness regularization (--sarsa-eps and --sarsa-reg) to build the robust value function. Although the default settings generally work well, for a comprehensive robustness evaluation it is recommended to run Robust Sarsa attack under different hyperparameters and choose the best attack (the lowest reward) as the final result. We provide a script, for the purpose of comprehensive adversarial evaluation:

# Usage: scan_attacks model_path config_path output_dir_path
scan_attacks models/median-models/model-sappo-convex-humanoid-median.model config_humanoid_robust_ppo_convex.json sarsa_humanoid_sappo-convex

Note: the learning rate of the Sarsa model can be changed by --val-lr. The default value should be good for attacks the provided environments (with normalized reward). However, if you want to use this attack on a different environment, this learning rate can be important as the reward maybe unnormalized (some environment returns large rewards so the Q values are larger, and a larger --val-lr is needed). The rule of thumb is to always checking the training logs of these Sarsa models - make sure the Q loss has been reduced sufficiently (close to 0) at the end of training.

Maximal Action Difference (MAD) Attack

We additionally propose a maximal action difference (MAD) attack where we attempt to maximize the KL divergence between original action and perturbed action. It can be invoked by setting --attack-method to action. For example:

python --config-path config_humanoid_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/median-models/model-ppo-humanoid-median.model --attack-eps=0.075 --attack-method action --deterministic

The reported mean reward over 50 episodes should be around 1000. In contrast, our SA-PPO trained agent is more resistant to MAD attack, achieving a reward around 6000.

python --config-path config_humanoid_robust_ppo_convex.json --load-model models/median-models/model-sappo-convex-humanoid-median.model --attack-eps=0.075 --attack-method action --deterministic

We additionally provide a combined attack of RS+MAD, which can be invoked by setting --attack-method to sarsa+action, and the combination ratio can be set via --attack-sarsa-action-ratio. Generally, we first obtain the best RS attack model and then further enhance it by adding an action attack.

Critic based attack and random attack

Critic based attack and random attack can be used by setting --attack-method to critic and random, respectively. These attacks are relatively weak and not suitable for evaluating the robustness of PPO agents.

python --config-path config_humanoid_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/median-models/model-ppo-humanoid-median.model --attack-eps=0.075 --attack-method random --deterministic