This github contains files to analyse the pressure response of a circuit breaker due to a localised pressure/temperature pulse.
This exercise uses OpenFoam. There are 3 flavours - '.com' (2301), '.org' (v10) or 'extend'. It doesnt matter which one you use except there are small changes to some of the files. The software is open source and can run on Windows, MacOS and linux. The instructions are as follows . For MacOS, install brew ( - one line install with 3 commands listed at the end) and then use
brew install --no-quarantine gerlero/openfoam/openfoam@2312
(taken from This installs OpenFoam2312.
For Windows, OpenFoam should be installed in an Ubuntu app. The instructions are listed at
This first requires installation of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Once Ubuntu is installed, openfoam is installed - in this case it is OpenFoamv12. When you use the subsystem, try to connect to the windows file system using cd /mnt/c/Desktop
Separate to all of this, you need to install Paraview - but install as an app or application rather than through the linux or terminal.
There is quite a lot of information on youtube about running openfoam, but I will give you a basic introduction.
There is a slight difference between openFOAM2301 and OpenFOAMv12. The first is that the controlDict requires the writeControl and adjustableTime statements to be changed. In the sphereToCell centre needs to be defined. Apparently rhoCentralFoam is not supported (though it exists in OpenFOAMv12) and replaced by shockFluid.
All CFD consists of 3 parts - (i) generating the mesh, (ii) running the code and (iii) diagnostics and interpretation.
Mesh generation can occur in a number of ways. These two examples illustrate two approaches - (a) generating a structured mesh and (b) unstructured mesh with complex geometry.
To generate the structured mesh for the validation case, use blockMesh. For the circuit breaker example, you need to first generate a 'blank' mesh using blockMesh and then use snappyHexMesh -overwrite which creates a mesh by identifying the edges of the stl CAD drawing that is applied for the circuit breaker. The stl file is on Moodle or zipped in github page.
The validation example is a spherical pressure/temperature cloud.
For the validation case, I have set up an Allrun commmad (use .Allrun) that will generate the mesh, setFields, decompose and run. The commands are
blockMesh ; snappyHexMesh -overwrite; cp -R 0.orig 0 ; setFields ; decomposePar
Here the blockMesh command looks up the blockMeshDict file (in systems) and creates a very basic cube (uniform) mesh. The initial conditions may overwrite the initial data, we copy the 0.orig to 0. The intialisation is performed with setFields, which look up the setFieldsDict where the initial values for temperature and pressure are set. To speed up
I have put a processing file in the functions directory. This will automatically load in the data from pressure, temperature and velocity recorded along a path and collate the information. There is a set of scripts in the controlDict which creates a *.dat file in the main directory that lists out time, \int (p-p_0)dV, max(p) and max(T). The Matlab programme in the validation directory functions can be used to collate the line date recorded in the postProcessing directory.