#ReadMe This document explains how to run the individual spatial temporal mobility model from the paper "A Fundamental Model of Individual Mobility to Generate Patterns of Daily Trajectories". The entire modeling process is divided into 13 sub scripts. They are named and introduced by the order they should be run. For each step, the functionality, input and output files, and how to run the code are introduced. We provide two sample input files, ExtractedStays.txt and SampleStayRegion.txt, so that anyone interested in the model can go through all the steps with the sample data. The code is written in c++ and Matlab.
function: perform moment calculation for home and other locations
input file: SampleStayRegion.txt
output file: MomentCalculation.txt, MeanSDProd.txt
output format:
each column is a different moment, each row is a cell size granularity,
row 1 to 9 are for home location moment
row 10 to 18 are for work location moment
row 19 to 27 are for other location moment
the mean value of the product of the density of home and other location in each cell at each granularity
how to run:
g++ -O3 Step1GenerateMoment.cpp -o Step1GenerateMoment
./Step1GenerateMoment > Step1GenerateMoment.txt &
function: Use the moment calculation result to calculate sigma for the lognormal cascade, P for the beta cascade, and correlation rho at each level
input file: MomentCalculation.txt
output file:
P for the beta cascade: PS, PD
Sigma for the lognormal cascade: SigmaS, SigmaD
Correlation coefficient for the demand and supply: rho
function: Plot the moment measurement
input file: MomentCalculation.txt
output file: None
function: generate simulated home and other locations using the calibrated parameters from Step 2
input file: parameters calibrated in Step2FractalAnalysis.m
output file: SimuPointHome.txt, SimuPointOther.txt
output format: lat, lon
function: calculate the probability to travel outside each tile size
input file: SampleStayRegion.txt
output file: PI.txt
output format: each row is the number of trips within and outside each tile level
how to run:
g++ -O3 Step5PI.cpp -o Step5PI
./Step5PI > Step5PI.txt &
function: calculate the probability to choose each location rank
input file: SampleStayRegion.txt
output file: RankProbability.txt
output format: an array containing the probability to choose each location rank
how to run:
g++ -O3 Step6RankProbability.cpp -o Step6RankProbability
./Step6RankProbability > Step6RankProbability.txt &
function: use either real or simulated location to generate trips
input file: SimuPointHome.txt SimuPointOther.txt; these files are generated in Step4
output file: PrSimu.txt PISimu.txt
how to run:
g++ -O3 Step7Pr.cpp -o Step7Pr
./Step7Pr SimuPointHome.txt SimuPointOther.txt PrSimu.txt PISimu.txt > Step7Pr.txt &
function: plot P(k), P(r), P>(i),
input file: results from the previous three steps
output file: None
function: the temporal model, simulate time intervals and visit loctation ID using calibrated parameters
input file: ExtractedStays.txt
output file: DTReal.txt, DTSimu.txt, DailyNReal.txt, DailyNSimu.txt, SimuLocInterpolated.txt, DTParameters.txt
output format:
DTReal and DTSimu contain real and simulated stay durations; the first column is the original duration in second, the second column is rescaled duration
DailyNReal and DailyNSimu counts the daily visited number of locations in real and simulated data
SimuLocInterpolated is the result of location ID using the preferential return mechanism
DTParameters contains the calibrated parameters for each person
how to run:
g++ -O3 Step9CalculateDT.cpp -o Step9CalculateDT
./Step9CalculateDT > Step9CalculateDT.txt &
function: calculate the daily visit location number from the analytical model
input file: DTParameter.txt PT.txt
output file: pn.mat, pn_non1, which are the daily number of visited location distribution with and without parameter beta1.
function: calculate location visit frequency from real data
input file: ExtractedStays.txt
output file: "FK"+ thres_min_str + "To" + thres_max_str + ".txt";
location visit frequency for user group with total number of locations between thres_min_str and thres_max_str
how to run:
g++ -O3 Step11FK.cpp -o Step11FK
./Step11FK 20 30
function: calculate location visit frequency from model simulated results
input file: SimuLocInterpolated.txt
output file: "FKSimu"+ thres_min_str + "To" + thres_max_str + ".txt";
location visit frequency for user group with total number of locations between thres_min_str and thres_max_str
how to run:
g++ -O3 Step12FKSimu.cpp -o Step12FKSimu
./Step12FKSimu 20 30 SimuLocInterpolated
function: Plot P(N), P(DT), beta1 beta2 distribution, f(k)
input file: results from the previous 4 steps
output file: none