See The following user guide for install and using of cytnx:
Cytnx_v0.5.pdf (dated 07/25/2020)
1. [Pending][GPU] iArithmentic need GPU impl.
1. [Pending][GPU] Get/Set elements on GPU is still down.
1. [Enhance][WARNING] rowrank option now has default value when converting from Tensor. Which is half number of the bonds. Notice that the order of argument are changed between (rowrank) and (is_diag)!
2. [Fix] Svd will have issue associate to changing of rowrank/is_diag order.
3. [Enhance] Internal Syntax format change to clang format.
4. [Change] USE_OMP option gives openmp access only for in-house implementation. Any linalg funciton calling MKL will be parallel.
1. [Enhance] Adding alias BD_IN=BD_KET, BD_BRA=BD_OUT, BD_NONE=BD_REG.
2. [New] Add Contracts for multiple UniTensors contraction.
3. [Fix] cytnx.__cpp_lib__ for some version of cmake and conda install, libpath is lib64 instead of lib.
4. [Optimize] SparseUniTensor contiguous (moving elements)
5. [Optimize] cytnx_error_* will now evaluate the clause first, and then instance the following strings.
6. [Enhance] Add Global bool variable User_debug, which when set to false some checking will be skipped, which increasing the execution speed
7. [Enhance] Add Network.getOptimalOrder()
1. [Fix] ICPC cannot compile issue
2. [Fix] openblas wrapper of zscal has wrong format, cscal,sscal not wrapped (using mkl is not affected)
3. [Enhance]
4. [Enhance] add vec_cast utility.
5. [Fix] Svd_truncate with err does not properly truncate the values.
6. [Fix] MatVec dgemv reversed argument.
7. [New] Add Histogram2d class in stat tools
8. [Enhance] Add SparseUniTensor.Save / .Load
9. [Enhance] Add vec_fromfile / vec_tofile in utility.
10. [Enhance] Adding omp parallel for SparseUniTensor moving elements, and L1-optimized.
11. [New] Add Storage.vector<>() for converting Storage to std::vector.
1. [Enhance] Lanczos_ER Lanczos_Gnd not convergence with maxiter will now gives warning instead of error.
2. [Enhance] Arithmetic of UniTensor(&)constant now preserve the label of input UniTensor.
3. [New][experiment] Add MPS class with two variant: iMPS, RegularMPS.
4. [New][experiment] Add MPO class.
5. [Enhance] Add UniTensor.relabel
6. [Enhance] Add Network.FromString
7. [New][experiment] DMRG API
8. [New][experiment] Add MPS Save/Load, and can now have different phys_dim for each site.
9. [Fix] SparseUniTensor.permute does not properly update contiguous status when rowrank argument is given.
10. [Enhance] get_block(_)/put_block(_) by qnums now have a new argument "force" to get blocks from non-braket_form UniTensor.
11. [New] Add SparseUniTensor contract
12. [New] Add SparseUniTensor linalg::Svd support.
13. [Enhance] SparseUniTensor print info, add "contiguous" status.
14. [Enhance] Add print_info for Symmetry descriptor
15. [Enhance] Add UniTensor.syms()
16. [Fix] Tensor.set when one of accessor is Singl will cause error.
17. [Enhance] SparseUniTensor diag x diag, diag x dense are finished.
18. [Fix] SparseUniTensor when diag permutation issue.
19. [Fix] Sort does not return out Tensor.
20. [Fix] Tproxy.item() does not get correct element.
21. [Fix] Bug for Svd on SparseUniTensor vT is being set by U
22. [New][experiment] Svd_truncate for SparseUniTensor
23. [New] add Bond.redirect(), Bond.retype()
24. [Fix] SparseUniTensor.permute() does not properly update braket_form
25. [Fix] SparseUniTensor.set_rowrank should track _inner_rowrank not _rowrank bug.
26. [Enhance] Add UniTensor.change_label() <- [Removed!!] use relabel(s)()
27. [Fix] Svd_truncate when one of the block has only dim=1 should fill-in the dangling dimension.
28. [New][experiment] iTEBD with U1 symmetry example for Heisenberg chain
29. [Change] v0.7.4 [26.] replace change_label() with relabel. Now only have set_label(s) and relabel(s) with *_label() have by_label option.
30. [Enhance] Add Accessor option Qns, qns()
31. [Change] Trace now by default trace axis =0 and axis=1 if no argument specify.
32. [Fix] Compare of two Bonds will now also check qnums.
33. [New][experiment] SparseUniTensor.Trace() now support rank-2 symmetric UniTensor -> scalar
34. [New][experiment] Contract of SparseUniTensor with two SUT with same labels -> scalar is now avaliable
35. [Fix] DMRG initialize does not properly normalize the init state.
36. [New] Scalar.conj(), Scalar.real(), Scalar.imag(), Scalar.maxval(dtype), Scalar.minval(dtype)
37. [Enhance] Lanczos internal now written with single general function.
38. [Enhance] Storage.append() now accept Scalar
39. [Enhance][Fix] Fix inplace Arithmetic between Tensor +=(-=,*=,/=) Tensor with both non-contiguous leads to inconsistent memory alignment.
40. [Enhance] from 39. add iAdd(), iDiv(), iMul(), iSub(), this can be called by user but is not recommended.
41. [Enhance] Modify DMRG kernel for generic UniTensor as state.
42. [New][experiment] Add Lanczos_Gnd_Ut() which accept Tin as UniTensor
43. [New][experiment] LinOp now add an matvec option for UniTensor => UniTensor, which can be used together with Lanczos_Gnd_Ut
44. [Change] Remove LinOp with custom function support, inheritance is forced.
45. [Enhance] add without template.
46. [Change][Enhance] Remove UniTensor.get_elem/set_elem, unify them with at().
47. [Fix] Trace for SparseUniTensor with is_diag=True.
48. [New][experiment] MPS.Norm()
49. [Fix] Lanczos_Gnd_Ut when input dimension is only 2 now check if the beta=0.
50. [New] Add DMRG U1 example.
51. [Change] Behavior change for Svd_truncate. SparseUniTensor the keepdim can exceed the current dimension of UniTensor, in such case it is equivalent to Svd.
52. [New] Add UniTensor.Norm()
53. [New][experiment] add MPS.Init_Msector(), which initialize the state with specify total magnetization.
54. [Enhance] Add additional feature Svd_truncate with truncation_err (err) and return_err option for Ten
55. [Enhance] Add additional feature Svd_truncate with truncation_err (err) and return_err option for DUTen
56. [Enhance] Add python dmrg example for using tn_algo
1. [Fix] bug for Get slice does not reduce when dim=1.
2. [Enhance] checking the memory alloc failing for EL.
3. [Change] remove Tensor init assignment op from initializer_list, for conflict with UniTensor init.
4. [Enhance] print information for Symmetric UniTensor.
5. [Enhance] linalg::ExpM/ExpH support for symmetric UniTensor.
6. [Enhance] add UniTensor.get_blocks_qnums() for corresponding qnums for current blocks.
7. [Enhance][Safety] add UniTensor.get_blocks_(silent=false) with "silent" option by default pop-up a warning when UniTensor is non-contiguous.
8. [Enhance] add operator* and operator*= for combineBond.
9. [Enhance] add support for Symmetric UniTensor with is_diag=true.
10. [Fix] remove the dtype & device option for arange(Nelem). Use .astype() .to() instead.
11. [Fix] reshape() without postfix const causing error when reshape with const Tensor.
12. [Enhance][Experiment] add Lstsq for least square calculation. [PR]
13. [Fix][C++] minor issue related to laterial argument passing by variables cannot properly resolved on C++
14. [Enhance] Diag now support rank-1 Tensor as input for constructing a diagonal tensor with input as diagonal elements.
15. [Enhance] Add c++ example for DMRG (Ke)
16. [Fix] Bug fixed in DMRG code and updated to the latest features.
17. [Fix] Bug in UniTensor do svd with rowrank=1 and the first rank has dimension=1.
18. [Enhance] add Scalar: abs, opeartor<, operator>, operator<=, operator>=
19. [Fix] #31 cd, cf internal swiching error for Lanczos_ER.
20. [Enhance] add specialization for Tensor iarithmetic with Sproxy.
21. [Fix] #31 cftcf Mul internal memcpy with wrong unit size.
22. [Fix] #31 type accessing now partially via Scalar, so no conflict will occur when ovld matvec() gives mismatched input and output type.
23. [Fix] Tensor / Storage set element with Sproxy or Scalar is now available.
24. [Fix] Lanczos_Gnd on f type accessing now partially via Scalar, so no conflict will occur when ovld matvec() gives mismatched input and output type.
1. [Enhance] Add Tensor.set with Scalar
2. [Enhance][C++] Add Tensor initialize assignment op from initializer_list
3. [Enhance][C++] Add Storage initialize assignment op from vector & initializer list
4. [Fix] bug for set partial elements on Tensor with slicing issue.
5. [Fix][DenseUniTensor] set_rowrank cannot set full rank issue #24
1. [Enhance] Finish UniTensor arithmetic.
2. [Fix] bug when using Tensor.get() accessing only single element
3. [Enhance] Add default argument is_U = True and is_vT = True for Svd_truncate() python API
1. [Enhance] add binary op. -Tensor.
2. [Enhance] New introduce Scalar class, generic scalar placeholder.
3. [Enhance][expr], Storage.back(), Storage.get_item() can now without specialization. The return is Scalar class.
4. [Enhance] Storage.get_item, Storage.set_item
5. [Enhance] Scalar, iadd,isub,imul,idiv
6. [Important] Storage.resize will match the behavior of vector, new elements are set to zero!
7. [Enhance] Scalar +,-,*,/ finished
8. [Enhance] add Histogram class and stat namespace.
9. [Enhance] add fstream option for Tofile
10. [Enhance] return self when UniTensor.set_name
11. [Enhance] return self when UniTensor.set_label(s)
12. [Enhance] return self when UniTensor.set_rowrank
13. [Fatal!][Fix] fix bug of wrong answer in Tensor slice for non-contiguous Tensor, with faster internal kernel
14. [Warning] Slice of GPU Tensor is now off-line for further inspection.
15. [Fix] bug causing crash when print non-contiguous Uint64 Tensor
16. [Fatal!][Fix] fix bug of wrong answer in Tensor set-element with slice for non-contiguous Tensor.
17. [Enhance] Network on the fly construction.
18. [Enhance] Scalar: Add on TN. TN.item()
19. [Fix] bug in Mod interanlly calling Cpr fixed.
20. [Enhance] All operation related to TN <-> Scalar
21. [Enhance] Reduce RTTR overhead.
* Storage [binded]
* Tensor [binded]
* Accessor [c++ only]
* Bond [binded]
* Symmetry [binded]
* CyTensor [binded]
* Network [binded]
Benefit from both side.
One can do simple prototype on python side
and easy transfer to C++ with small effort!
// c++ version:
#include "cytnx.hpp"
cytnx::Tensor A({3,4,5},cytnx::Type.Double,cytnx::Device.cpu)
# python version:
import cytnx
A = cytnx.Tensor((3,4,5),dtype=cytnx.Type.Double,device=cytnx.Device.cpu)
The avaliable types are :
| cytnx type | c++ type | Type object
| cytnx_double | double | Type.Double
| cytnx_float | float | Type.Float
| cytnx_uint64 | uint64_t | Type.Uint64
| cytnx_uint32 | uint32_t | Type.Uint32
| cytnx_uint16 | uint16_t | Type.Uint16
| cytnx_int64 | int64_t | Type.Int64
| cytnx_int32 | int32_t | Type.Int32
| cytnx_int16 | int16_t | Type.Int16
| cytnx_complex128 | std::complex<double> | Type.ComplexDouble
| cytnx_complex64 | std::complex<float> | Type.ComplexFloat
| cytnx_bool | bool | Type.Bool
* Memory container with GPU/CPU support.
maintain type conversions (type casting btwn Storages)
and moving btwn devices.
* Generic type object, the behavior is very similar to python.
Storage A(400,Type.Double);
for(int i=0;i<400;i++)<double>(i) = i;
Storage B = A; // A and B share same memory, this is similar as python
Storage C =;
* A tensor, API very similar to numpy and pytorch.
* simple moving btwn CPU and GPU:
Tensor A({3,4},Type.Double,Device.cpu); // create tensor on CPU (default)
Tensor B({3,4},Type.Double,Device.cuda+0); // create tensor on GPU with gpu-id=0
Tensor C = B; // C and B share same memory.
// move A to gpu
Tensor D =;
// inplace move A to gpu
* Type conversion in between avaliable:
Tensor A({3,4},Type.Double);
Tensor B = A.astype(Type.Uint64); // cast double to uint64_t
* vitual swap and permute. All the permute and swap will not change the underlying memory
* Use Contiguous() when needed to actual moving the memory layout.
Tensor A({3,4,5,2},Type.Double);
A.permute_(0,3,1,2); // this will not change the memory, only the shape info is changed.
cout << A.is_contiguous() << endl; // this will be false!
A.contiguous_(); // call Configuous() to actually move the memory.
cout << A.is_contiguous() << endl; // this will be true!
* access single element using .at
Tensor A({3,4,5},Type.Double);
double val =<double>(0,2,2);
* access elements with python slices similarity:
typedef Accessor ac;
Tensor A({3,4,5},Type.Double);
Tensor out = A(0,":","1:4");
// equivalent to python: out = A[0,:,1:4]
* extension of Tensor, specifically design for Tensor network simulation.
* See Intro slide for more details
Tensor A({3,4,5},Type.Double);
UniTensor tA = UniTensor(A,2); // convert directly.
UniTensor tB = UniTensor({Bond(3),Bond(4),Bond(5)},{},2); // init from scratch.
See example/ folder or documentation for how to use API
See example/iTEBD folder for implementation on iTEBD algo.
See example/DMRG folder for implementation on DMRG algo.
See example/iDMRG folder for implementation on iDMRG algo.
See example/HOTRG folder for implementation on HOTRG algo for classical system.
See example/ED folder for implementation using LinOp & Lanczos.
func | inplace | CPU | GPU | callby tn | Tn | CyTn (xlinalg)
Add | x | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
Sub | x | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
Mul | x | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
Div | x | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
Cpr | x | Y | Y | Y | Y | x
+,+=[tn] | x | Y | Y | Y (Add_) | Y | Y
-,-=[tn] | x | Y | Y | Y (Sub_) | Y | Y
*,*=[tn] | x | Y | Y | Y (Mul_) | Y | Y
/,/=[tn] | x | Y | Y | Y (Div_) | Y | Y
==[tn] | x | Y | Y | Y (Cpr_) | Y | x
Svd | x | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
*Svd_truncate| x | Y | Y | N | Y | Y
InvM | InvM_ | Y | Y | Y | Y | N
Inv | Inv _ | Y | Y | Y | Y | N
Conj | Conj_ | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
Exp | Exp_ | Y | Y | Y | Y | N
Expf | Expf_ | Y | Y | Y | Y | N
Eigh | x | Y | Y | Y | Y | N
*ExpH | x | Y | Y | N | Y | Y
*ExpM | x | Y | N | N | Y | Y
Matmul | x | Y | Y | N | Y | N
Diag | x | Y | Y | N | Y | N
*Tensordot | x | Y | Y | N | Y | N
Outer | x | Y | Y | N | Y | N
Vectordot | x | Y | .Y | N | Y | N
Tridiag | x | Y | N | N | Y | N
Kron | x | Y | N | N | Y | N
Norm | x | Y | Y | Y | Y | N
*Dot | x | Y | Y | N | Y | N
Eig | x | Y | N | N | Y | N
Pow | Pow_ | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
Abs | Abs_ | Y | N | Y | Y | N
Qr | x | Y | N | N | Y | Y
Qdr | x | Y | N | N | Y | Y
Det | x | Y | N | N | Y | N
Min | x | Y | N | Y | Y | N
Max | x | Y | N | Y | Y | N
*Trace | x | Y | N | Y | Y | Y
Mod | x | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
Matmul_dg | x | Y | Y | N | Y | N
*Tensordot_dg | x | Y | Y | N | Y | N
iterative solver:
* this is a high level linalg
^ this is temporary disable
. this is floating point type only
Tensor: zeros(), ones(), arange(), identity(), eye()
Tensor: pauli(), spin()
func | Tn | Stor | CPU | GPU
*Make_normal() | Y | Y | Y | Y
*Make_uniform() | Y | Y | Y | N
^normal() | Y | x | Y | Y
^uniform() | Y | x | Y | N
* this is initializer
^ this is generator
[Note] The difference of initializer and generator is that initializer is used to initialize the Tensor, and generator generates a new Tensor.
Kai-Hsin Wu (Boston Univ.)
Ying-Jer Kao (NTU, Taiwan): setuptool, cmake
Yen-Hsin Wu (NTU, Taiwan): Network optimization
Yu-Hsueh Chen (NTU, Taiwan): example, and testing
Po-Kwan Wu (OSU): Icon optimization
Wen-Han Kao (UMN, USA) : testing of conda install
Ke Hsu (NTU, Taiwan): Lstsq, linalg funcitons and examples
* example/DMRG:
* hptt library:
KHW whould like to thanks for the following contributor(s) for invaluable contribution to the library
* PoChung Chen (NCHU, Taiwan) : testing, and bug reporting