- 👀 I’m interested in full-stack development, creating seamless user experiences, and exploring the latest technologies.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning advanced CI/CD workflows and enhancing my skills in micro frontend architectures.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on innovative projects that challenge my abilities and help businesses grow.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I thrive on solving complex problems and never leave a challenge unsolved!
I have extensive experience in developing applications using React, Next.js, Django, and the MERN stack. My key projects include:
- Developing a comprehensive business analytics product (Locl) with integrations for Instagram and Facebook.
- Leading the front-end development for real estate and e-commerce products, building CRMs and multi-tenant systems.
- Creating an audio streaming site with Next.js, featuring server-side rendering, personalized playlists, and payment integration.
- Working on the main website of Motive, focusing on WordPress, custom blocks, CSS, Sass, and animations.
- Building a real-time ride-tracking application for Careem and maintaining multiple micro frontends for edX.
I am passionate about optimizing user experiences and continuously exploring new technologies to deliver high-quality solutions.
📫 huniafatima99@gmail.com